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I met Luna when she was the new kid at my school. Her number was 2. She is African American, hair that is auburn with long and jagged ends, hazel eyes, and a style that can be questionable on bad days. I was assigned to show her around to her classes (Faith and I are straight A students, so we get almost everyone). At one point, when we had a study hall, the concrete holding the legs of the bench down on the ground started to rumble and break away. I immediately nudged Faith, who was sitting right next to me, to knock it off in case she got a new power. Faith looked at me like 'I'm not doing that!' and I was immediately confused.

Luna gave herself away by saying "Sorry! Sorry! I mean, who is doing that?" I put my arm around her and said "Tell me, was that really you? I won't tell anyone, but I want to know." She sheepishly replied "Yeah. "Well then, can you do it again?" I countered, making sure that she could actually do it, and she was not faking it, before we told her our secret. "I don't know.... but for you guys I guess." The ground began to rumble as soon as she closed her eyes to concentrate. "Whoa." Was the only response that Faith could find. "I guess now is a good time to tell you that we have powers too. I have a danger radar, and a strange amount of strength." I said with confidence. "And I can read minds and transmit my thoughts to others." Faith follows. "I thought I was the only one! But I do have another secret to tell. I have been hunted down for my power since I was 10 years old." She states sadly. Faith and I both let out a small whistle, as if to say 'whoa'. "They were after us at age 6." Faith counters in a challenging tone. If I have not mentioned it before, Faith does not like to meet new people. Well, now ya know. "Oh. How have you guys dealt with that for so long?" she asks inquisitively. "Well, we came here 3 years ago. They haven't attacked us here yet, so this is where we will be staying for a while." I nudge Faith as she begins to imply that Luna won't be staying here. "Well, welcome Luna."

These are the intros to the characters. The battles and knives and gore and violence and stuff comes after. Don't forget to vote and comment. everything helps!

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