Chapter 1

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My heart pounded and i could feel my anxiety creeping up on me. Closing my eyes, i took a deep breath. In. Out. In. Out.
"Hey are you okay?," i heard a voice say. My eyes flew open and a scream slipped between my lips as i jumped in fear. "Whoa! Whoa! F*ck im sorry i didnt mean to scare you," the voice says. Breathing heavily, i turned and was god smacked because there stood the most beautiful boy who had the deepest green eyes, his long dark brown hair covering part of his left eye as it rested upon his broad shoulder. My eyes trailed lower down his body. He really was good looking.
"You know its rude to stare, sweet cheeks," his voice snaps me out of my trace, amusement laced in his voice. Blushing madly, i look down.
"Hey i was just playing with you, im sorry," he says sincerely. Slowly i gaze up into his beautiful eyes. "Im Caden, by the way" he says with a smile. I returned the smile and nod. "I am Amelia," i say to him in the only language i knew how. Sign language. Caden furrows his brows obvious confused,"you dont talk, do you? And im guessing the only way is sign language?," he asks. Taking out my phone, i quickly type 'yes but i can always type or write if you want, since its obvious you cant understand, oh and my name is Amelia' after i was done i show him. He reads it then smiles, "Amelia, cute" he replies. Making me blush a little.

-(time skip~at lunch)-

Finding my way to the large cafeteria, i gulp looking around wide eyed. So many people!! I shriek in my head. "Amelia!!," i heard my name being called out. Searching the different faces, i finally found one familiar face ive seen most of the day. Caden's. He waves me over and very hesitantly, i make my way over to him. Reaching his table, he quickly makes room for me by his side and i quietly sat down. "Hey guys this is Amelia, Amelia this Daniel, Kacy, Liam, and Lucas," he introduced us. They each said 'hey' or 'sup,'
"Finally another girl in the group!!," the girl, Kacy, squeals. Making me smile down shyly.
"So Amelia where did you come from? I dont remember seeing you around," Lucas, i believe his name was, asks me. I glance at Caden, before pulling out my phone, and typed my answer. Showing Lucas, he frowns. "Can you not talk? Were you born a mute?," he asks earning a slap to the back of the head from the girl. I giggled at her actions, before looking at a pouting Lucas, "not necessarily, its a long story," i sign. They look at me as if i were a alien.
Mentally slapping myself, i blush madly and quickly type my answer showing him. But then Daniel, i assume, does something shocking. "Its okay, you dont have to tell if your not comfortable," he signs back. "Whoa when did you learn sign language??," the group questions. "Guys guys! Who cares about that! What did she say??," Kacy demands. "She said not necessarily, and its a long story," Daniel replies with a chuckle. I grin at him, "very impressive, but that is a good question, how do you know sign language?," i ask. "I once dated this deaf girl," he answers. 
"Awww thats so cute!! You went through all that trouble for her!!  What ever happened?, if you dont mind me asking," i sign. He shrugs, "i guess things werent meant to be,"
I reach over and placed my hand over his and gave a friendly squeeze. He looks shocked at first but then smiles and squeezes my hand back.

-( after school )-

After putting my stuff up in my lockers, I closed it and yelp as i came face to face with a smirking Daniel. "What is wrong with you?!!? Are you trying to kill me?!," i glare at him, crossing my arms. He laughs and puts his hands up in a mock surround. "Sorry didnt know you get scared easily, buttercup," he chuckles and i just rolled my eyes. "What do you want?," i ask. "Well i was hoping i could give you a ride home maybe?," he offers. I froze, feeling a unpleasant memory surfacing and quickly i shook my head no. "Oh come on its no biggie," he insisted. "Really its okay, Daniel, right? But i can walk home now if you'll excuse me," i sign to him and quickly grabbed my bag then turned on my heels and left walking hurriedly out the door, leaving a surprised and confused Daniel behind.

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