Bike problems

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Nari is 7 in this. It's before she grows accustomed to calling Jin her father.

"Oppa! Look at me! I'm flying like a birdy!" Nari yelled, zooming past Namjoon and Jin who had taken her to the park. The two laughed at her behavior as she rode past them on her pink princess bike- (courtesy of Jin), her training wheels barely hitting the ground while her helmet was slightly big on her even though Jin had tightened it so much to where he thought the helmet wouldn't fit even a rabbit's small head. Namjoon chuckled as he and Jin watched Nari struggle to get up a hill In the leaf-covered park. "She sure is persistent. Isn't she." He said. Jin laughed and nodded, the two watching her contently as she finally got to the top of the hill and turned to them. "Watch me Jinnie-Oppa! You too, Joonie-Oppa!" Jin grinned and nodded, yelling back a short-"We are!" And going back to watching her. Until he realized.

Nari has never gone down a hill.


Jin's eyes widened as he immediately stood up and began running towards her, confusing Namjoon who he had been previously talking with. "Nari, wait! You've never gone down a hill before!" It'd be okay. He could just get to her before she started to go and he could teach her how to go down a hill. It would probably be a really cute moment, actually. He would have a hold on the bike, gently guiding her down the hill while she gripped the handlebars, glancing up at him constantly for reassurance, and him giving her a warm smi-...

She fell.

She's crying.


"Nari! Aga, I'm coming!" Jin yelled, racing towards her at speeds he didn't even know he was capable at reaching as he heard Namjoon running behind him.

Oh dear.

There's blood.


"Oppa!" She wailed again, now seeing her bloody knees and scraped hands. Jin frowned as he came to a stop and kneeled in front of her, Namjoon shortly doing the same afterwards. Nari's cries we're extremely rare, and whenever she started crying it'd mainly only be if she was scared. But when she did, it was pitiful. She would have the most scared and sad expression, and tears would keep falling down her face for awhile even once she was done sobbing. Her sobs came out in short bursts, one minute she'll be completely silent and then a second later she'd be sobbing as loud as she could. Jin looked over at Namjoon, picking Nari up gently and attempting not to hurt her already damaged knees and hands. Poor thing. Her soft skin had been ripped open due to hitting the jagged ground, and blood was now just pouring out (*cough* for when your soft hands hit the jagged ground *cough* *cough* Melanie Martinez *cough*) "Namjoon, I need you to get her bike. She probably wants to go home. I can stay in the backseat with her on our way." Jin said, holding Nari in one arm and stroking her hair gently to try to calm her down with his other hand. Namjoon nodded hastily, grabbing her bike and packing up the good they had brought within seconds, and running towards the car with Jin calmly walking behind him, saying small words of encouragement to her and telling he she'd be alright. Namjoon hurriedly tossed everything into the trunk, closing the opening afterwards and running over to the backseat and opening the door for Jin and Nari to get in. Jin was unusually relaxed while he got into the car, Nari sitting on his lap.. At least it looked as if he was. Nah, he was internally freaking out.  He was more less telling himself everything was ok than telling Nari. He wrapped the seatbelt securely around both Nari and himself as Namjoon pretty much threw himself into the driver seat, thrusting (🌚) his keys into the ignition and speeding out of the parking lot. And of course being told off by Jin to go slower and that he'll get pulled over. But alas! ... He didn't listen lol. He groaned as he was pulled over by the police. Nari sniffed, seething in pain while Jin held her hands to attempt to slow the bleeding. "Why are the police men pulling Joonie-Oppa over?" She asked, her lip quivering. Jin sighed. "Because Joonie-Oppa, was going too fast. And that's dangerous." He said, gritting his teeth while Namjoon looked at him through the rear view mirror with a sheepish smile. Nari whimpered as the cop came by, shining his flashlight into the backseat and getting it in Jin's eye, making him blink harshly and cover Nari's eyes until he had gone over to Namjoon. "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?" Namjoon sighed as he rested his hand on the steering wheel. "Yes, I do. I'm in an emergency situation." The police officer stayed with his stone cold face even with Namjoon's tone. "Well sir, I do not believe that an emergency would be taken care of in this type of car. If it were a large emergency than you should have called an ambulance." He replied calmly. Namjoon just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well my seven year old daughter fell off her bike and I need to get her home!" Everything was a blur after that for Nari. Namjoon had just called her his "daughter"... No one had done that...! Not to mention, it was still all new to her, considering it was summer and that they had found her last winter. It was just so foreign to her. But before she knew it Namjoon had a piece of paper and the police officer was gone. Namjoon turned in his seat to face the two who were in the backseat. "Are you okay, Nari?" Nari just nodded with a small sniff. And with that gesture, they were off once again. The air was tense and silent, the silence only broken as they parked outside of the dorms. "Put your mask on, aga." Jin mumbled, handing Nari her Hello Kitty mask and helping her put it on. They were in a parking garage, but they still needed to be safe. Nari whined again as another wave of pain ran through her legs and hands. Jin gently shushed her, wiping her tears off and getting out of the car with her in his arms, passing her off to Namjoon afterwards. "Go and get the first aid kit under the sink. Clean off her legs and hands with hydrogen peroxide, but be noted it stings slightly at first touch. Be sure that it's all clean and then put cream onto the band-aid. Let her pick the band-aid and then just- take her to watch a movie with Jimin and Jungkook or something, alright?" Jin said, hurriedly packing everything up that had spilled over from the rickety car ride. Namjoon nodded hesitantly, not really understanding what Jin had just babbled on about, but he was just wanting to get Nari to stop crying. He hated it when she cried. It always made him so upset. "Uh-okay." Namjoon said, turning around and beginning to jog over to the building. He quickly ran in, flashing his ID to the woman at the desk before running up to the dorms, Nari securely in his arms and still trying not to break down in sobs. "Alright Nari, now... uh..." Namjoon began as he unlocked the door, slamming it behind him and throwing his shoes off, running to the bathroom. He carefully set Nari onto the counter. "Sh**.." he muttered. Nari sniffed and whined. "Swear jar," She said, pointing to him accusingly. Namjoon sighed and nodded. He saw that one coming. He bent down to the cabinets under the sink, opening them and hurriedly getting the first aid kit out and placing it onto the counter. He opened the kit up and...

Almost screamed.

There was way too many things. What the heck was this hydrogen peroxide thingy Jin was babbling about!? Was it that weird cloth thing? Was that just a different name for cloth...?! Nari whined again, grabbing a brown bottle from inside of the lit and shoving it over to Namjoon. Namjoon, who almost didn't catch the bottle, raised an
Eyebrow and went to look at the label. "Hydrogen Peroxide." "Oh... Thank you, Nari," He mumbled, clearing his throat while obviously slightly embarrassed that he had just been showed up by a seven year old. He then poured some of the liquid into the cap, carefully placing Nari's legs over the sink to catch what didn't get onto her cuts and gently poured some onto her road rash. Nari whined again. That stung... About four times of that later along with struggling to find out where to put the bottle back, Namjoon was now carefully wiping the leftover blood while furrowing his eyebrows. In other words, concentrating. But still... something baffled Nari. Why did he call her his, "daughter"? Well, curiosity is much to powerful of an emotion to go unsolved. Especially in a seven year old's mind. "Oppa...?" Namjoon hummed of acknowledgement, not taking his eyes off of Nari's hand that he was now cleaning off. "... Why did you say I was your-'daughter'? Am I?" His head shot up to look at her with a shocked expression. "Well... Yes! What else would you be to me...?" He said, slowly looking back down at her busted up hands and continuing to care for them. Nari just kept quiet. But there was a name that stuck in the back of her head that she'd always wondered if they considered to be a name for her. "... A waste of time..." Nari mumbled, thinking he wouldn't hear her. But oh, he heard. Namjoon froze in the middle of wrapping bandages around her hand. "Don't ever call yourself that ever again," He said sternly, making Nari tense up. He finished wrapping her left knee up, securing it in place with medical tape and putting the first aid kit back into the cabinet as he had finally finished. But to Nari surprise, when he had looked back up at her he had tears in his eyes. "Oppa!? What's wrong!?" Nari said, leaning over to him and spreading her arms out for a hug. Namjoon laughed through his tears and accepted her hug, picking her up off of the counter and just holding her. "I'm s-sorry Nari... O-Oppa just can't believe tha-that you'd think t-that..." Namjoon said. Nari stayed quiet and just allowed him to cry. After all, that's what Jimin had done to her before so that's all she knows. But after awhile of hearing Namjoon's quiet sniffles and choked back sobs, Nari found herself starting to cry. "I-i thought you'd call me that b-beca- because my o-old daddy d-did..." Namjoon immediately shook his head, moving Nari's head from his shoulder to look at him. "We would ne-ver call you a waste of t-time..." Namjoon said, wiping the tears that had fell down her cheeks. "We are nothing like y-your father..." Namjoon said, placing a kiss on her forehead. Nari nodded, going back to hugging him again. "Thank you, Oppa... For adopting me.." Namjoon smiled, even with his tears falling he knew the one sentence he had to say.

"We wouldn't dream of you being anywhere else..."

Okay wow did i just make a good chapter holy-

~ Lexxxxxiiieeee💚🇨🇮

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