Is this weird? No?

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Phil's pov *yay*

I ran back inside and stuttered my apologies to my little Phillions.

"Sorry guys, I'm here now, don't worry, Hello everyone."

I smile as I look strait into the camera.

There's so many comments, they're jamming up, I catch a few of them though;

'Who was she'

'I heard a girl'

'Whats her name'


'Introduce her to is please'

I smile,

"That was my new neighbour, Ivy."

I say simply "she's moving in with her friend Jade"

More comments;

'We need to see her'

'Does she know who crash bandicoot is?'

'Pleeeeeze say hi to me, my names Ivy too, Ivy Beadnar'


"Hi Ivy Beadnar" I say smiling "ummmm I don't know if she likes crash bandicoot, Dan is making a video, wow there's so many comments..."

I kept talking to them for another hour or so, then i carried my laptop into my room.

After sitting on my bed for a few minutes thinking about life, I decided to make a video.

My camera wasn't that hard to set up, I cleared my bed, straitened out my duvet, sat down and pressed record.

"Hi guys......".




"The last truth or dare is..... A dare and it is.... Touch Dans neck..."

I walk into Dans room, holding the cameras in one hand I lightly brush my fingers against Dans neck with the other.

Dan freaks out.





"Today's draw Phil naked is......... Ok bye guys"




An hour or so later It was edited and uploaded onto youtube.

I looked at the time on my laptop, 5.00, I decide to have a snooze.

As I lie in bed, I can't keep my eyes closed, I've got 'my neighbour totoro' intro music stuck in my head.

Wait, it's not in my head, it's coming from next door. I do some quick maths in my head, coming to the conclusion that the flat next door must be Ivy's.

I remember how excited she'd been to finally be in England, she can't possibly be considering spending her first night in London watching anime, alone?

I stand up and throw on some warm, clean cloths, jeans, T-shirt, and a jumper. Then I grab my phone, keys and an extra jacket.

I hesitate for a second before knocking on her door, is this too weird?

But then I remember her jumping up and down in the hall.

I knock three times on the door and hope for the best.

I'm sorry it's so short, I just haven't really gotten into it yet, it will get better I promise, and I will post more frequently. Again, I love you all, THANK YOU so much for reading, it means so much to me Xx

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