Moving in

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Ivy's p0v

"Ivy its room 22, 3rd floor! Not 5th!!!"

"Oh sorry" I grinned at my friend next to me "I must have slipped or something..." I mumbled the last bit shivering as the lift we were in jolted to a stop.

"Floor 5" *ding*

The elevator ladies voice was so posh and elegant, I giggled.

Jade leaned over me and pressed a button labeled 'floor 3'.

This time i was prepared,I shut my eyes really tight and clenched the handles of my bags really tight.

"Floor 3." *ding*

Lifting my bags off the ground, i hopped out of the elevater dragging them with me, then i turned around to help Jade with hers.

"Wow its really bright in here, theres not even a window though?" i said running around the corridor with my arms out to my side, pretending to be an aeroplane, "its so bri-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ght."

"um Ivy... the brightness is coming from the light" Jade pointed to the lighting shining down from the roof "its cloudy outside, not much light would come in anyway." she added, yawning.

"imagine how dark it would be in a medieval castle with only the light from the sun and candles to read by, imagine If a cloud covered to sun, you wouldnt be able to see anything, imagine that?" Excitement jumbled my words up, I'd always loved Englands rich history, now i was really here... I couldnt wait to visit all the castles and churches and admire all the architechture, my head felt like it was going to implode with all the different things I could learn about here!!!

'Ivy? this is our flat come on!"

I snapped back to reality, "oh coming..." i called to her, lifting my bags and walking over to the other side of the corridor to join her.

Jade sleepily pushed the key into the door and opened it, yawning again as she walked inside.

I was about to follow her when the door to the left of us opened and a guy stepped out curiously.

He looked a bit older than Jade and I. When he saw me he smiled, flicking his jet black side fringe out of his amazing bright blue eyes.

I smiled back. 'omg, hes so... dont stare Ivy, you see cute boys all the time... but...' i pushed the thought aside.

"Hi, i thought i heard someone jumping around... i was just wondering who..." He mumbled. The guy was wearing an adorable blue patterned purple beinie with ropes down each side with pompoms on the end that came down to his shoulders, black skinny jeans, non matching socks and a shirt covered in bats.

I laughed "That might have been me, i was just so excited, i mean im actually here in England, i actually get to stand on english soil im just kind of amazed really..." I stumbled on a bit, blushing.

To my relief he laughed "so your not from around here?"

"No i'm Aussie, Im moving in here-" I spun to the side pointing at number 22 "-with my friend Jade."

"Thats really cool mate, i love Australia" He mimicked in an exagerated Australian accent.

"oi," i giggled "I dont sound like that!" I said, but i couldnt stop myself from grinning.

"PHIL???" A voice called from inside their flat.

Another guy stepped out of their appartment and into the hallway, he had chocolate brown eyes and his soft brown hair was cut exactly like his friends except he had his fringe brushed the other way.

It was only just now this i relised how tall they both were, i was pretty tall back home, taller than alot of my friends, but these two were both a good 2-3 centimetres taller than me.

"oh um sorry, I'm Phil and this is my roommate Dan." Phil said quickly offering his hand to me awkwardly.

I took it and shook it smiling.

"I'm Ivy" I said simply as i shook hands with Dan.

"Shes moving in next door with her friend Jade" Phil added to Dan.

As Dan smiled at me, I noticed the dimples in his cheeks. "wheres your friend?" Dan said.

"oh shes already in the flat,"

i smile "we were on the plane for more that a day and she only slept around 4 hours or so, shes probably already asleep."

"ok... oh um im really sorry" Dan looked at me apologetically "but Phil, I was just making a video when i noticed your laptop is in the middle of a live show on younow."

"oh no, the Phillions are waiting" Phil grinned "um well ill see you later then..." he smilled at me as he rushed back into the appartment i faintly heard him say "sorry guys, I'm here now, dont worry, Hello everyone." 'adorable.' i giggle.

"im sorry but ive got to get back to my video, see you soon?" Dan asked.

"of course" i replied.

He gave me one last smile before he closed the door.

Jade had already clamed the right hand side bedroom, she had given me the one with a view of o very beautiful architectual building, and a few beautiful evergreen trees. I made a mental note to thank her later.

I looked around and decided first things first i had to furnish our flat a bit more, seeing as the only funiture so far was a comfy black couch now occupied by Jade, and two double bed frames. I made another mental note to, again, thank my cousin, Penelope for finding this appartment and coming and bringing in the couch, two bed frames, two mattresses, two cupboards and some other essentials we would need.

I looked at my watch, it was 10.00 AM so i had almost the whole day ahead of me.

With this in mind i pulled my laptop out of my bag and sat with my back against the wall, scrolling through google, searching for a shop that looked like IKEA, finally i found one nearby and typed the adress into my phone so i wouldnt forget it. Then i looked up near by car rentals, i was staying here for a whole year so i would need to buy a car but that could wait, for now i would rent one. i typed the adress of the car rental place into my phone as well and stood up.

Jade was asleep on the couch so instead of waking her i left her a note saying i was shopping and that i'd be back by 4.00 PM at the latest.

Back in my bedroom I changed into casual jeans, a fluffy black long sleeve top, non matching socks and my fluro green trainers with black laces.

Over that i pulled on my fluffly padded fluro yello jacket. Leaving it unzipped i grabbed my old shoulder bag that id had since i was 12, it was covered in patches but it was efficient and i loved it, i quickly chucked in my phone, map, keys, book, and my wallet.

i smiled at my friend lying on the couch even though she couldnt see me, she would realise why i was smiling when she wakes up with a sticky note on her forehead.

Then i lock the door behind me and walk down the stairs, excitment bubbling inside me, my first day in London. 'this is going to be an amazing year" i think as i leave the building and hail a taxi.

As i look around me at the bustling city traffic I smiled and let myself drift into dreamland, a world of jet black hair and bright. blue. eyes.


This is my first ever fanfic, i dont own anything from this and yeh - disclaimer!!!! this is all in my head.if you are reading this then THANKYOU i love you forever and ever Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. i will be uploading new chapters even if no ones reading it because i like writing but please still add and vote :D thankyou <3<3<3

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