Snow forts

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Ivy's Pov

Just as the movie starts I hear a knock on the front door, quickly followed by another, and another.
I probably made too much noise un-packing.
Slowly I crawl out of bed.
"Coming..." I shout out so the mystery person doesn't leave.
I check what I'm wearing;

Warm black skinny jeans,
A black T-shirt with the white silhouette of the Hunger Games Mockingjay symbol
Long black socks,
I pull on my favourite jacket; it's black with the Hogwarts chest on it in the middle, surrounded by the four house crests.

My hair is black with red at the tips, climbing up halfway then jaggedly ending with a layer of orange, to resemble flames climbing up my hair.
I dyed it like this because I had re-read Catching Fire recently and I loved it.

My hair is messy; I leave it like that, earlier i added wings to my green eyes with eye liner (it's my thing, it makes me feel as if I'm showing some of my imagination on the outside, also i may have been lightly procrastinating unpacking...) and some Chapstick.

I nod at my reflexion, i don't look too zombie like, not gonna scare anyone.

I run over to the door and fling it open, shivering as I remember how cold it is outside.

"I am looking for someone with which to share an adventure..."
Phil says, looking down on me, obviously imitating Gandalf.

Phil's Pov

"I am looking for someone with which to share an adventure..."
She grinned up at me.
"Um hi," She said awkwardly "come on in."
I smiled at her and walked into her apartment.
"You weren't possibly planning on spending your first night in London alone? Watching anime? Were you?" I asked looking at her quizzically.
"I don't really know anyone here apart from Jade and you and Dan... I couldn't go alone,"
She said, simply "I hardly even have know where the nearest book store is..."

I laugh at her reference to books, it suits her.
She smiles awkwardly, running her fingers through her hair, ruffling up the red and orange tips, it made it look like it was on fire.

Her green eyes sparkle, she smiles at me and I notice how she doesn't really fit.
She looks like she should be in a fantasy fictional world, wielding swords and shooting bows.

"So? You coming?" I ask her, turning towards the door.
"Where are we going?" She asked, she looked like she was having a struggle between going and staying.
I look over my shoulder at her, smile and say "I don't know, let's just go on an adventure."

Ivy's Pov

The inner fictional adventure girl won, celebrating in my head as I grabbed my keys, phone, and purse, pulled on my favourite faded black boots. Then ran out the door after Phil.

I caught him just as he got to the elevator, slipping in next to him, smiling awkwardly.
"i knew you'd come." Phil says, grinning at me as he presses the ground floor button.
"How?" I ask, surprised "even I didn't know I'd come"
"Because your not a wuss"
I elbow him playfully,
"what did you think I was going to do? Sit around and do nothing?"
He just grinned at me in response, then the doors opened and we stepped out.

As we leave the building I let out a cry of joy;
"ITS SNOWING!" I punched the air above me in triumph.
Phil laughed beside me,
"Haven't you ever seen snow?"
He asks.

"Well Duh, I'm from Australia, we see ice and it's just like 'HIDE HIDE ALPACALYPSE, DONT PANIC DONT PANIC AHHHHHHHHHH WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!'" I scream, jumping inside a telephone box and putting my hands over my ears.

He laughs again,
"Come on crazy, there's a park a few streets down from here, the snow will be whiter, this stuffs all ugh, come on don't worry, it's safe" Phil begs, pulling my arm as he leads me down the road.

"Ok, close your eyes" Phil tells me. I obey,
"Ok, why?" He doesn't answer but I do it anyway.
He leads me down two more turns, then the ground underneath my feet softens and the air is suddenly fresher than before.

"Open your eyes" he says to me.
I open them.
"Oh my gob Phil, it's all white..."
I look around at the layer of white snow covering the ground and I laugh, "it's all snow? Is if soft?"
I ask, only realising what a stupid question it was, after I'd said it.

"I don't know, wanna find out?" he asked me grinning.
"Snow ball fight?" I ask, getting excited.
"Snow fort" He corrects me.
"HELL YEAH" I say, jumping up and down, "ok so we'll make it big enough for four people, then it'll be more like a castle."

"Okay" Phil agreed, dragging the toe of his show through the ground to outline a rough square, "this big enough?" He asked, gesturing to the small block of land.
"Perfect, let's go" I replied, grinning as I began shifting the snow.

An hour later we were sitting inside an amazing snow fort, it had one door, no windows and a open roof, but I had carved the walls into looking like stones with a stick, and we'd given each corner a look out tower for my imaginary small people friends.

We'd also crafted bean-bag chairs out of snow, we were sitting in them now.
"This is so amazing," I said, i was very proud.
"But brrrrrr it's collllldddddd" I admitted.

Phil smiled easily at me, taking off his jacket and offering it to me.
"I can't take your jacket, you'll get cold!" I protest.
"Nahhh I've got another one on here," he said, showing me his other jacket.

"Ok, Thanks Phil."
I quickly looked Into my bag, pulled out my phone and checked the time,
"It's six o'clock, how come it's so bright still?" I ask, puzzled.
"City lights" Phil explains simply,
"Wanna head back?"

"Sure, I've got to Finnish unpacking anyway" I admit.
"I'll help you," he suggests, willingly.
"Sure if you want," I answer, smiling.

"Do you wanna grab a drink at Starbucks on the way back?" Phil suggested.
"Um... What's Starbucks? I ask, awkwardly.
"Oh my god..." He looks shocked "follow me, now, what type of rock have you been living under?"

Yay new chapter, quite long I think, did you like it?
Thanks to everyone who is reading this, I've been going through some tough times lately, knowing that there are people who actually read what I write makes me so happy, Remember, I love you all forever, Thankyou Xx

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