The Battle of Helms Deep

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While Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, Aelinaras, and the kings men tried to ready themselves for war. Frodo, Sam, and the creature golem had been taken captive. By Faramir of Gondor, Faramir and one of his rangers looked over a map at Henneth Annun. “News?" Faramir asked looking up at the ranger and friend of his Mandril. "Our scouts say Saruman has attacked Rohan. Theoden's people have ran to Helm's Deep. But we must look to our own borders. Faramir, Orcs are on the move. Sauron is marshalling an army. Easterlings and Southrons are passing through the Black Gate." Mandril said in a hushed tone. Faramir looked down at the map despairingly. "How many" he asked in a tired voice but it still held the tone a captain should always keep. "Some thousands. More come every day." "Who's covering the river to the north?" Faramir asked hastily. Mandril taken back by the quickness of the question paused. "We pulled five hundred men out of Osgiliath, but if the city is attacked, we won't hold It." he answered. Faramir nodded slightly and looked toward the hobbits. "Saruman attacks from Isengard. Sauron from Mordor. The fight will come to men on both fronts. Gondor is weak. Sauron will strike us soon. And he will strike hard. He knows now we do not have the strength to hold him at bay." Faramir sighed.

Two rangers removed the hoods that were placed on Sam and Frodo’s heads to prevent them some seeing they way the ranger’s location. "My men tell me that you are Orc spies." Faramir stated coolly walking to them. At this statement Sam’s face became red. "Spies! Now wait just a minute." He said raising his voice "Well if you're not spies, then who are you?" Faramir asked cutting in the two kept quiet Faramir sat down this was becoming a hassle of its own for him. "Speak!" he demanded looking at the two directly. Frodo cast a look at Sam before speaking "We are hobbits of the Shire. Frodo Baggins is my name and this is Samwise Gamgee." "Your guard?" Faramir asked Sam looked at him frigidly "His gardener." he said. "And where is your skulking friend? That unreally aged creature. He had an ill-favored look." Faramir asked. Frodo thought for a second. "There was no other." as he said this Sam looked at Frodo as if he had lost it. "We set out from Rivendell with seven companions. One we lost in Moria. Two were my kin. A dwarf there was also. And an elf. And two men. Aragorn, son of Arathorn A she elf Aleniaras lake deer and Boromir of Gondor."Frodo said in a very solemn tone at the sound of Aelinaras’ name the bracelet she had given him began the shake softly. "You were friend of Boromir?" Faramir asked with an unreadable face.

"Yes, for my part. And two others..." Frodo said. "It would grieve you then, to learn that he is dead?" Faramir said tightly as he stood up. "What how when?!" Frodo asked confusion written on his face. "As one of his companions, I had hoped you would tell me." Faramir shot. Frodo’s eyes went to the ground darting left and right as if searching for an answer or he was thinking every rapidly about something. "If something has happened to Boromir, we would have you tell us." Frodo said looking back up. His horn washed up upon the riverbank, about six days past. It was cloven in two." Faramir said holding out half of the horn Frodo held out his hand on the horn were a couple of strands of Long dark red hair. "She was there, I wonder, if she made it" Frodo thought slight panic Aelinaras was his refuge in knowing everything was going to be fine. "But more than this, I know it in my heart. He was my brother." Faramir said he voice was strained.

Aelinaras stood off in the corner putting on her own armor listening to everyone talking while trying to calm herself she was confident but she hasn't been completely right in battle since the fighting the forest. Aragorn readied himself as well Legolas came to him handing over the ranger’s sword. "We have trusted you this far and you have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair." he said humbly. Aelinaras smiled from across the room. "U-moe edamed, Legolas./There is nothing to forgive, Legolas" Aragorn replied with a smile. The elf prince's eyes locked onto the she elf’s. She nodded in approval and smiled. Loud clanging was heard as Gimli entered the room. He’s armor by far way to long for him. "If we had time, I'd get this adjusted." he stated pulling on the armor it fell past his legs to the ground. Aelinaras went into a fit of laughter. Everyone seemed relieved by this she had been down for a while. "It's a little tight across the chest." he added everyone laughed lightly but it was short lived as the loud horn was sounded. Aelinara’s face turn from shock to utter excitement she smiled "That is no Orc horn!" she said before dashing to the gate. the Men stared in awe as an small army of elves came through the gate, but these elves weren't like most others they all had fiery red hair and were armored in bright silver and black armor, and glittering methril mesh shirts under their dark green robe belled sleeve Tunics. Theoden walked down the old warn stairs and met the Elf Captain. "How is this possible?" the king asked. Aelinaras came bolting down the stair and tackled the Captain. He had long brick red hair and snow like pale blue eyes his hair fell to his knees and it was in a long braid, he had the look of a ranger but the face of a young king. " Noldor!" she cried hugging him tightly letting go quickly. "Well when a princess won't leave her grandmother alone you'll be surprised what will happen" Noldor said smiling warmly at Aelinaras. "An alliance once existed between elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together." Aelinaras said still grinning at him. "We come to honor that allegiance." he said to the king. "Mae govannen/ welcome!" Legolas said shaking Noldor's hand. Aragorn stood before the elf and then hugged him. Noldor was a little surprised, returned the gesture. “You are most welcome." Aragorn said with relief. Maybe just maybe they would last the night now. The army of elves turned to the king and lowered their bows and shields in unison. "We are proud to fight alongside men, once more." Noldor said Aelinaras and Legolas stood behind him the she elf holding a proud smirk. "I know we can do this" she thought.

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