The White City, The Lords of Gondor

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Aelinaras was Ushered into a private room, where elf maidens dressed her in a flowing gown of deep forest green and gold, beaded in ivory, wrapped in silk. They adorned her in a golden head peace and a white lily, before ushering her out to the Hall of the King. Outside of the Hall awaited Legolas in pale greens and white, seeing him in his Princely cloths was an odd site indeed. Aelinaras tried her best not to laugh. “You look beautiful” He said taking her hand and guiding her into the hall. A song was being sung by a choir of Elves as many others gathered in groups talking amongst one another. Ahead sat a king on a tall throne He had long golden hair that shimmered with a natural glow, His eyes grey as the clouds above the misty mountains peeks, He looked perfectly ageless and his fair skin was nearly pallid as snow but had a golden glow like that of the sunset. Without realizing she had done so, Aelinaras bowed slightly to the King of the Woodland realm. Legolas smiled down at her, and beamed up at his father, before bowing slightly himself. Thranduil smiled down at his son and Aelinaras from under his crown of flower “My son, You have picked a handsome & magnificent bride, Let valor shine down upon your meeting and the future you will hold here in the woodland realm” Thranduil said raising to his feet, he tapped his goblet with a silver spoon, the sound rang throughout the hall. The elves within the hall stopped their chatter and all eyes went to the King. “My Son, Legolas, Heir to the Woodland Throne, Child of Mirkwood, Hath chosen his bride.” Thranduil called out with a jolly look fixed upon his face, He held out his hand to Legolas. Legolas took Aelinaras by the hand and then took his father’s as they were brought to the top of the throne. “May he be blessed and live in prosperous glory through his life, Hail! To the Prince, Hail to the Bride! And Rejoice!” Thranduil called out taking both Aelinaras’ and Legolas’ hands that were holding each other and raining them into the air. The Elves in the hall cheered loudly and festive music began to play, everyone joined in the merriment. The Eleven wedding ceremony was short…but grand; the elves danced, drank, and feasted the night away, a Party to rival that of the Shire.

All of the Remaining Fellowship gathered at the peak of Minas Tirith, A monstrous crowd had gather in the courtyard of the white tree; it had been two years since the final battle. The White Tree was in full bloom and had grown into its former glory. Gandalf places a crown of brilliant silver atop Aragorn’s head. Even without the crown He looked like a true king, he had aged gracefully with accordance to his Dunedain blood. He had begun to grey in the form of dark silver strands of hair, His eyes had gotten wiser and he had let his bread grow longer. "Now come the days of the king. May they be blessed." Gandalf called proudly over the crowed Aragorn turned to the crowd with a content smile on his face. "This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world… that we may share in the days of peace." Aragorn said to the crowd whom looked to him is great reverence as they applauded. Eowyn and Faramir glanced at each other loving in the crowd, smiling to themselves as they knew of the surprise that awaited Aragorn ahead. "Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien. Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta. /Out of the Great Sea to Middle-Earth I am come. In this place will I abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world.” Aragorn sange slowly and almost hauntingly in a good way, Eowyn and Faramir greeted him with a bow, Eomir in turn did the same, Legolas & Aelinaras stood in front of him with a small host of Elves behind them. In the middle of Aelinaras and Legolas was a two year old Haldir the II whom gazed up at Aragorn with eyes of wonder, while holding onto both of the elves hands. Aragorn smiled down at the Child adoringly, His chocolate brown curly hair had already grown down his back, and his green eyes shimmered. Aragorn Placed a hand on each of the elves shoulders “Hannon le./ Thank you” He said softly Aelinaras and Legolas smirked at each other and then at Aragorn before stepping to the side, the Elves behind them followed suit revealing Elrond holding a glowing Arwen’s hand. Aragorn gazed at her in shock, as tears stung at his eyes. She was Alive, Aragorn looked at her in utter amazement and wonder, Arwen blushed slightly as Elrond ushered her to him. Aragorn touched her face gently, Arwen looked down shyly almost as if she felt unworthy, and Aragorn tilted her face up and brought her into a kiss. Aelinaras smiled but she couldn’t help the jealousy in her heart, Arwen’s long last dream had come true, she was with the one her heart was made for, and could live out her days in peace and love. Legolas saw the she elf’s smile falter and grasped her hand. He looked to the side as the Reunited couple passed. Legolas knew what Aelinaras was thinking; even his own heart ached for her, as he led her behind the King and Queen. They halted in front of the Hobbits, Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, bowed to Aragorn slightly, Aragorn looked shocked and humbled. "My friends! You bow to no one." He said at a loss for words, before bowing on his knees with Arwen, Legolas and Aelinaras followed and soon the whole crowd did. Frodo’s eyes well up with tears and his face flushed, the hobbits stood amazed, Aelinaras lifted her head a bit and Smiled at the Hobbits “My lords…You’ve saved Middle Earth…you’ve saved us all, smile…rejoice!” She said with a light hearted laugh, Haldir II took off running towards the hobbits tackling pippin’s legs laughing and babbling. At this the Hobbits laughed.

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