7 - Nostalgic nightmares

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Trying to shake himself from the nightmares that plagued him proved little use, as Zane was only dragged kicking and crying into the memories that he tried so hard to hide. Now further in their friendship, Zane had offered to take Caitlin on a birthday surprise. Once content that she was sufficiently blindfolded, he'd led her up the tricky terrain of the rocky mount. Step by clumsy step, they'd trekked to the top, where he'd delicately removed her blindfold. He'd promised to remember the look of amazement on her face, as she took in the sights around her.

It was a cool January afternoon, the sun only just beginning to rust. A large picnic blanket had been laid out over a smooth patch, cushioned with blankets. Upon this spread was a large cake, glazed in chocolate and iced with 'Happy birthday Caitlin x'. Clearly Zane's own work. Her smile had never been wider. They'd spent many peaceful hours eating cake, laughing at inside jokes, and when the sun had finally set and the stars had pierced the dark skies, Zane had pulled a blanket from the side and wrapped it around them both. He remembered in painful detail, how she'd curled up to him, and pointed out various constellations. How she'd confessed in sleepy slur her thoughts and wishes; and how he'd carried her sleeping body back to the Bounty at dawn.


"He's what?"

"Spit it out"


One by one, the three visitors peered up over their ledge to see, and sure enough, Zane had doubled over his lap, hot tears streaking his face as the memories continued to drown him.

Caitlin lay in her bed, frighteningly pale. The Venomari venom, which had induced violent hallucinations, was beginning to wreak its havoc on her insides. Being plagued by chemical nightmares, she'd taken arms against her imaginary foes, stealing Kai's golden sword and holding it at arms-length at nothing. Despite Zane and Cole's best efforts to calm her, she'd been caught in her own attack, sustaining many injuries. Now she lay on the brink of death, mere inches yet miles away from the nindroid who was sat on the side of her bed. His features were carved into those of permanent dread, as he gripped the clammy hand that was ever so pale against his own. Still haunted by colours and voices, her body would occasionally thrash around as it tried to free itself of its blind torment.

Hours had crawled by, but still Zane refused to leave her bedside. He hadn't eaten in days, but the cravings for food were forced down and overridden with worry. Caitlin had been still for hours, her only movement being the barely noticeable rise and fall of her bandaged chest. Her eyes occasionally flickered open, but the spark that'd once been there had long since faded. Two empty blue eyes would stare blankly at Zane, shattering his heart further. "C-Caitlin...Can you hear me..? How're you feeling..?" He would ask in no more than a whisper. He knew that there'd be no response, as it would be too much strain to form even a simple word. But something vague and far away gave him hope that she could still hear him.

Another day passed, and she showed no signs of recovery, or even stabilising. "Zane, might I speak with you?..." Sensei Wu rested a gentle hand on the nindroid's shoulder as he sat on the side of the rickety bed. A sleep deprived and slowly starving Zane looked up, and willed his broken heart to follow him out of the room.

"Zane, I am fearing the worst for your companion" Zane's face fell even further, but no protest or objection escaped his lips. His head simply sank forward. "You see, the tea can stabilise her, but she is not strong enough to fight even the last of the venom. Her strength has been sapped in the fight and there's ... nothing that I can do. I'm sorry..."

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