8 - The story unfolds

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"We need to help him..." Jay bit his lip, willing his numb legs to support him as he made to get up. "No. He can't know we're here" Cole reminded him, pulling the blue ninja back down. "A ninja never leaves another ninja. He needs us, Cole. Look at him." Jay pleaded, cocking his head over the ledge, in the direction their unknowing friend. "Look at him, Cole. Look at him." Cole studied the lightning ninja's begging face, and back at Zane. He was sat cross legged, head in hands, sobbing quietly in front of the stone. Cole sighed, and stood up. "Alright, Jay."

Treading as silently as they could, the three ninja made their way through the heather and scrub to their friend, who was still unaware as to their presence. Instead, he sobbed to himself, his hand slipping down the hand carved intricacies of the rock before him. 


Zane's head snapped around, and in the soft twilight, his friends caught a glimpse of the sorry character before them. His eyes were red and bloodshot from crying, his hands were shaking and his chest rose and fell with broken, ragged breaths. His suit was speckled with spilled tears, and barely resembled even a shadow of the Zane that they knew. "Zane? What's wrong?" Ignoring Kai's question, Zane tried to take a breath and compose himself, only to break down into another wave of tears.

"Hey hey, buddy. It's okay, it's okay" Jay tried to reassure him. "Why're you all the way out here?"

It took a long time, and many feeble attempts to comfort the distraught nindroid; but eventually he calmed and relived his tale of agony. Kai, Jay, and even Cole's heart ached as they were introduced to the immeasurable sorrow that Zane had kept hidden. How on the March 16th, he'd lost his closest friend. How she'd failed to stir one morning, and pronounced gone ten minutes later. How every month he'd come to visit, and on the 9th of January, every year, he'd sing Happy Birthday to her.

"But...There's no one here, who were you talking too?" Kai asked bluntly, much to Cole and Jay's disgust. Zane shivered with emotion, and stepped to one side, revealing the large stone. It stood at 3ft tall, and had had several intricacies carved into it.



A Nindroid's Secret - Zalin HeartacheWhere stories live. Discover now