Chapter 3

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"Jinxx what's taking you?" The foot steps stopped. "Hurry, or parents are going to be here soon. I wanna scoop this place before they arrive and make us leave!" The voice came from up stair. A closer voice yelled "I'll be up there soon, just forgot something out side." Now I was on my feet and took this chance to escape. I ran towards the other end of the basement despite my hurt ankle, I was more jumping for my life. The window was a couple yards always from me when arms roughly folded around my waist. I tumbled back to the floor, and my head banged against the cement wall. Everything seemed to spin. The so called Jinxx stood over me with a wicked grin spread over his corpse pale skin. It looked like two white spikes glistened at each side of his mouth. His black bangs hung over his eyes making him look a crazed killer. I propped my self up on my elbow as a attempt to get up. Even though he is probably about to kill me, he still took my breath away.

"Dude! Hurry up!" The other person screamed. "Mother just messaged, they are on their way! Stop being a slow poke! I think I smell blood too, maybe it's from one of the rooms! Huuurry!" I could hear the other person jumping at the top if the steps. "Hold on" Jinxx said sharply "I'll be there soon!" I was now crouching on the floor trying to get on my wobbly feet. A foot kicked my side and I fell forward, putting my hand out to keep my self from falling and put the other to my aching side. "Not going to cry for me to stop? Ha" Cold hands jerked my face up. His furious eyes looked into mine. I tried to jerk my head away, but he had no intentions of letting me do so. "Come on! Scream! Beg for me to let you live." I looked straight into his eyes, I know from experience to never give the predator the fear that they feed off of. "Never." I said taking him by surprise, using this time I punched him across the face. He lost his grip on my chin and used his hand to steady him self, his other he put on his cheek. Now, I thought, stumbling to my feet I hoisted my self threw the window. My leg was forced back through the other side, scraping against old splinters, pain surged all over. I let out a scream and kicked my legs wildly. My foot connected with something making the grip on my leg loosen. I wiggled the rest of my self off and ran off to the main road like there was a buffet waiting to reward me for barely escaping with my life, sadly there was none though.

Huffing, I about doubled over when I reached at the end of the road. Using my arm, I wiped the sweat off my forehead, but instead I got blood on my arm and a bad stinging on my forehead. Great, now how am I going to be able to walk around with out being laughed at, even more I should say. I started to walk towards my house but failed epically when bullets shot threw my legs. Painfully I fell to the floor and rolled on my back in defeat. What am I going to do now my aunt will freak if I call her and tell her I need her to pick me up, same with my uncles. Megan's the only other person I have who would be willing to, but she would be disappointed to know I broke her promise and got hurt. Maybe if I say her long enough a person might pull over and offer a ride or maybe a bird will come sweeping me up and fly me to my house. I chuckled at my self. Really Alice a bird flying you home, maybe this head injury is getting to you. Sighing I pulled out my phone and made a call.

"Alice! What's up?" A preppy voice said. Yep I must have a head injury for calling.

"Hey, um. Can you pick me up?" I asked nervously, preparing my self for her to yell when I tell her where I'm at.

"Yeah, sure. Where are you?"

"At the end of the asylums road..." My voice was faint when I finished.

"What, Alice.. ugh! You didn't- ok you know what, when I get there you are telling me why you were there!" The line went dead. My heart broke with the amount if shame that was coating her voice.

The events played in my head over and over. Megan was right, I almost did get killed. Blood marked the bathroom, what happened there? No one goes in that place. There's been no missing person report for the past few days, yet the blood was fresh, like it happened minutes before I got there.

A sound of a horn shook me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Megan's new car a few feet inside of me, getting up I limped to her car and opened the door. Right when I sat down the questions shot out of her mouth.

"Why did you go there? How come you look like you just ran a marathon? What happened there? OMG, is your face all banged up? Why do you looked like you got mugged!?" She was fuming now.

"If you would stop asking questions I could answer you. One at a time girl!" I gave her a slight smile, she just rolled her eyes. "Ok, to start, I was being stupid and-"

"Stupid doest even explain it." She mumbled

I cleared my throat "As I was saying, I wanted to explore and was curious, lame excuse, I know but bear with me here. Im all sweaty because I thought I saw someone down in the basement and bolted out as fast as I could." purposely I skipped the 'What happened?' question since I don't know whither or not I should tell her everything. " When I was running down the steps I tumbled down them and clearly hurt my self." well I did call and I did hurt my self, there fore I'm not actually lying to her.

She grunted. "We're here." she turned towards me with a stern look "Alice, Do not go back to that asylum, Ok?" don't have to tell me twice "Ok, I swear." this time we shook on it. Thanking her I walked to my front door. Opening I walked the kitchen and saw my note was still there and my uncle pasted out on the couch with a whiskey bottle in his grip. I took the note, crumbling it and throwing it in the thrash can.

In my room I grabbed fresh pjs and walked to the bath room. My leg was covered in blood, I took a old rag from under the sink, wetted it and started to wipe off the blood on my leg and any where else I saw blood. The warm water burned my skin. As quickly as I could I got out of the shower and put in my new close. I headed to my room and laid in bed recapping what happened. That Jinxx dude was really fast and had really sharp teeth, like fangs, maybe he was a vampire. How cool would that be. Yeah right, I shook my head, I was just seeing things. I turned in my side and stuffed to sleep thinking of how unshaken I was about what happened today, anyone else would be having a freak attack. Yet again, I'm not like everyone else.

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