Chapter 2

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I creeped my way along the side of the old asylum. Walking to a broken window tried to look in, of course I'm too short. I looked around for something to use to stand on. Nothing. Sighing I continued walking.

After I got to the other side I found a blocked up basement window, the boards were rotting. Carefully I pulled off some of the boards, making a space big enough for me to fit. Once I wiggled inside I took a good look around. It was dark besides a few strands of lighting coming from where ever. I started for the stairs on the far side of the basement. Cursing I remembered that I forgot to bring a flash light. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and turned the brightness up, it'll have to do I guess. The basement was scattered with broken glass, bed frames, blankets, clothes that the patients must of worn. I weaved my way threw the piles picking put a few things here and there.

Behind the stair case there's a little room filled with lookers, stepping in I took a quick look. There were few that would open, others were stubborn and stayed shut. The ones that were open had nursing gowns and little odds and ends like pictures of family I assume, bags, necklaces, and some other personal items. Why would people leave such things behind if they knew that the place was going to be shut down, or did they know? A shiver raced down my spin. Stepping out of the locker room I made my way towards the steps. Standing at base of the steps I looked around once more and started my way up the worn, creaky stairs.

With every step the stairs moaned, sometimes one would squeak startling me to a stop and quickly glance around making sure nothing with in these wall heard me, why am I getting so paranoid? Its just a abandoned building.

The door at the top of the stairs was already opened a little, it was one of those steal doors that seemed like bullets couldn't go through. I grabbed the handle and carefully opened the door, hoping it wouldn't fall and squash me like a bug.

The door opened to a hall way. In front of me were doors that looked like those in a hospital. To the left was stairs and to the right was a door. I looked through the hospital like door it was hard to make out what was on the other side. I tried to open the door but it was locked. sighing I turned towards the stair cases, later I'll check out that room to the right.

At the top of the stair there was another set of those hospital doors. I tried opening them but it wouldn't budge, I tried again with a little more weight. The door screeched and I face planted the floor. Mumbling I stood up dusting my self off and looked what was ahead of me. It was just a long hall with a old receptionist desk in the middle of the left wall.

I went for the first door, didn't open. the one across was the same. After about 4 doors of the same thing I tried the door right before the desk, it was opened, suddenly my heart pounded with excitement. In side the room there were two beds with a night stand and closet each a window was in the center of the wall across the door. The closets only held hangers and the night stand to the bed to the right had nothing inside. Disappointed I closed the drawer. To my surprise the other one had a picture. The picture was of a little girl in a flowery dress with a teddy bear and a man with slicked back hair and a hot smile on his face was kneeling behind the little girl. On the back in chicken scratch was written "Look at the picture mother has found of us! Mommy says you will come home, I hope it's soon! Me and teddy miss you!" I hope she was able to see him again, the poor girl was probably clueless that he was held up in a loony bin.

Instead of looking for another room with a unlocked door I walked down the hall behind the desk. It slit to two different sections, the left was what looked like a waiting room type thing and the right had a door on each side, a towering window marked the end of the hall. I walked to the doors to the right. The massive room had beds against each wall, one wall had windows alining it. Doctor tools laid on a bed at the far end of the room. The tools looked shiny and new for something thats been laying in a abandoned building for years.

A shiver raced down my back as I walked over to the other door and opened it. What awaited me was horrid. Red liquid covered the floor, the mirror was smashed, a bloody knife laid on the floor looking happy for the crime it help commit. The worst thing is the blood was fresh. There was no body in site, but blood streaks lead to the door. I couldn't believe what lays in front of me. Before I knew it my feet lead me down the steps to the basement door. I almost didn't notice that the door at the other end of the hall was opened, wasn't that closed before. I ignored that thought and continued down the basement steps. My body slammed into something hard. A grunt came from the brick wall like thing I crashed into. I felt my self fly off to the side of the steps tumbling on to the cold cement floor. Loud foot steps made there way to me. I tried tried to get up but a pain like wasps shot to my ankle. I tried to grab something to defend my self. All I got was a book, is there any chance that a book can make a brick wall get knocked out because if not, I'm SOL. My heart was racing as my killers shadow got closer and closer.

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