Chapter 4

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The pounding of my heart filled my ears. Every breath of cold air is a sharp stab to my lungs. My legs run numbly, avoiding as many fallen trees, stumps and holes as possible. Honesty running is worthless right now, but its nice to have some false hope. My foot caught on a twig and my body bullets forward. I flung my hands out in front of me, but a sharp sting came from one of my wrists and I roll down a bank, landing hard on my back in ice cold, shallow water. A warm stream flowed down my forehead and started to blur my vision. I tried to catch my breath. Haunting foot steps came closer and closer. I stumble to my feet. Roughly, my hair got pulled down and my head banged off a slick rock. I yelped in pain, which was responded with a blow to my side. My eyes started to get heavy and I let them close. Another sharp pain came to my ribs. "Alice," a taunting voice said "don't close your eyes," it chuckled "I'm not done with you." I tried to open my eyes but the sand bags just wouldn't budge. A burst of pain exploded in my chest and lightning bolts clouded my vision. With all my might, I was able to open my eyes just a bit. My heart quickened and blurriness soon took over again. That smirk hovering over me was so familiar. As it came closer I jolted out if bed with sweat steaming down my face. I looked around my room painting, and hoping no one was there. The alarm clock read 3:00 a.m. Quickly, I flung my lefts off my bed and put my face in my hands. I rubbed my eyes till I saw fire works.

Down stairs my uncles snores echoed threw put the house. I stood on my tip toes and fumbled a glass out of the cabinet. The ice cold water felt good on my perched throat. I started up the steps, at the top I stood there for a bit. My step dad's snores have come to a stop and his drunk foot steps were coming my way. Quickly and as quietly as I could, I ran to my room and hid under the covers. I don't want him to see me scratched.

His steps came thumping up the steps. I poked my head out of the covers and cracked my eyes open a bit. His big-beer-belly shadow passed my door. A sigh if relief escaped my lips as I snuggled under the covers and drifted into a dream of darkness.

Beep beep beep.

I searched my night stand for my alarm clock. Finding it I turned it off and laid back under the covers and drifted off.

"Alice! Wake up, your going to miss school!" My step mothers voice came booming over head. I opened my eyes and stared at her. She cleared her voice "Alice," she said sharply "Get out of bed, now." Yawning, I got up. Pain bolted through out my body making me mentally gasp when I put pressure on my legs. Quickly I started getting changed. In the mirror I noticed all the cuts and bruises I got from being attacked.

After getting ready I waited for Megan to pic me up. Seven minutes have pasted, which is unusual. She's always here before I even got out of bed. Instead of waiting for her, I headed down the side walk to school. I passed the old asylum, only sparing a glance before quickening my speed towards the school. A black car caught the corner of my eye. It was parked behind the asylum. Was that car there before? Curiosity quickly spread through out my body, but I quickly pushed it away. Images from yesterday came back; the bathroom covered in blood, the way how everything was left as if time had just... frozen, and being attacked. I touched my forehead and whimpered quietly.

"Faggot," lovely Jason Hector pulled up in his car. "Do you need a lift." he flashed me one of his award winning smiles

"Like hell I would ride in the same vehicle as you." turning I started walking again.

"You don't have to ride in the same vehicle as me, just have to ride me." He chuckled my expression. "Close your mouth. We can't do anything yet." he grinned.

"Gross." I chocked. Chuckling, he sped off sending shale bulleted at me.

Megan's car wasn't in the parking lot when I got to school. I asked a few of her other friends of they have seen her, all of them said no. After 3rd period I gave up.

Last bell finally rang and I bolted to my locker to get my things. I ignored Jason's voice as I ran down the hall. Practically crashing into my locker, I quickly opened it, grabbed my book bag and threw my text books into it. Outside, I shuffled around my bag looking for my phone. My hands finally met it, pulling it out I quickly dialed Megan's number. A few minutes passed and there was no answer.

"What worried about your friend?" A voice said behind me. I turned to face Jason.

"Why do you care?" I snorted.

"Because, she is a hottie." he smirked "She's even hotter standing next to you." a growl escaped my lip. Jason smiled at my reaction.

"If she's so hot, why don't you ask her out?" I mumbled. He must not of heard because he headed off to his car.

Instead of heading home, I walked to the lake. The lake is the place I used to go to often, but I stopped visiting so after in the last 3 years. I sat down by the edge and watched the water ripple as bugs skimmed across it. Flocks of birds sat on the fishing dock, scoping for their next meal. A soft melody whistled threw the trees. I leaned back in my elbows taking in the scenery. Everything here was prefect. My leg vibrated, quickly I pulled out my phone. Just my aunt. I sighed and pressed ignore. I got to my feet and headed home.

"Where were you?" my aunt asked when I walked threw the door.

"Sorry, I stopped at the lake for a little." She nodded her head.

"By the way, your dad called. He wants you to call him." This time I nodded my head in response. Leaning over the couch, I grabbed the phone off the corner table. I dialled the number, but didn't press talk. What if it's about something bad, like last time? I pressed the red button and headed to my room. Later I'll call him back.

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