Chapter 4

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I woke up the next day ready to go. I put on some black running shorts with a black bandeau with a loose white tank that came together at the back. I put on a pair of black Nike elites with my white and black vans. I put my hair in a messy bun and added a headband. I grabbed my black sunglasses and my duffle and headed downstairs. Dad was drinking his coffee and Mrs. Mulberry was cooking breakfast. I grabbed a piece of bacon and ate it.

"Hey I'm not gonna be here when you get back I have a practice and a press conference," my dad said.

"Okay, I have practice too, love you guys bye!" I got into my car and drove to school with the windows down letting the hot Tennessee air in. When I pulled up the same perverted football players were there with their perverted comments I just ignored. The day went by fast. I ate with my friends at lunch and In seventh period we got assigned parts for a play we were doing called Midsummer nights dream. Mrs.Fleebee made me have the girl lead which was Hermia. She's caught in a love triangle between Lysander and Demetrius, even though she loves Lysander and her best friend loves Demetrius. Knox plays Demetrius and this guy named Elliot plays Lysander. He has blonde short hair and sky blue eyes. He's cute,but not as hot as Knox. When we made plans to hang out and practice lines I looked at Elliot and he had a wide-eyed look on his face and I turned to see Knox giving him a glare. Elliot and I decided Tuesday after school he could come to my house, and we could practice. After the last bell rang I went to my car grabbed my duffel and headed to the girls locker room.


Today Eleanor wore some black running shorts that showed off her long naturally tan legs. I pretty much had a walking hard-on all day.I wanted to punch every guy I saw that was staring at her. In drama class. She plays Hermia and I am Demetrius. In the play Demetrius loves Hermia but she loves Lysander.. the other guy. How ironic? Lysander is played by Elliot Winters. He's a quiet kid, but I didn't like how they were making plans to practice after school. Good thing I had practice today so I could have a distraction.


After I changed I walked out onto field with my helmet. I saw a bunch of guys standing and talking. I walked over to coach.

"Hey coach?" I said.

"Yeah El?"

"Could we not tell the guys?" I said.

"That you a girl? why? you have nothing to be ashamed of El,"

"It's not that, it's that I don't think they will treat me the same,after knowing I'm a girl," he nodded knowingly.

"I understand,"

"Thanks coach,"

"It's nothing," he smiled, and blew his whistle,"okay come in," all of the guys on the field came towards coach."this is," he hesitated for a second,"Elliot," he said introducing me."He is your new wide receiver, now lets go run some plays," The rest of practice went smoothly. I recognized the few guys that would whistle at me every morning. We ran a few plays and I caught every pass. A couple guys hit me on the butt. Not that they knew I was a girl but that's what you do in football. After practice I started to walk towards the girls locker room to change.

"Hey Elliot, what's you last name," Knox asked me.

"Uhm, Tebow," I said in my mock guy voice.

"Are you okay man?," he asked," sounds like you have a cold?"

"Uh no I'm fine,"

"Are you related to Tim Tebow,"

"Uh yea, that's my .. uncle," I answered. Gosh why was he asking so many questions.

"My Dad plays with him, so your cousins with Eleanor?" he asked. my stomach fluttered with joy.

"Uh yea? what about her?"

"Oh nothing," I felt alittle disappointed."okay bye man" and he left into the guys locker room. I went into the girls locker room changed into my running shorts, bandeau and tank and put my hair into a messy bun, slipped on my aviator sunglasses and grabbed my duffel and walked out to the parking lot.

"Hey!," I heard and I froze when I turnt around to see Knox walking towards me.


After practice I stopped to talk with Elliot out new receiver, just to make sure it wasn't Elliot Winters. Elliot smelt really good. I'm not gay. He said his name last name was Tebow like Eleanor. Turns out he's her cousin. He asked why and I said nothing. I wet into the locker room and all the Guys were either talking about how much they liked our new receiver or what chick they wanted to bang next? I jump into the shower and thought about Eleanor and her fit body I had to turn the shower to cold to calm myself down. When I got out everyone else had already left, so I grabbed my keys to my black range rover and my blue duffel bag. When I walked out to the parking lot I saw those long tan legs that I was practically drooled over.

"Hey!," I said and she turnt toward me. I wonder what she was doing here? With a duffle bag?

A/N : Hey I'm jada. and I don't know but I would love it if you guys commented and liked soo how's you say going and question of the week:

What's the biggest turn on in a guy for you?

Love you my sweets -Jada

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