Chapter 9

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Eleanor's POV

My father always told me bad things happen for a reason wether it's to teach you something or to prepare you for something amazing. I believe this. So every time I'm going through something, I take it as a lesson and wait for something good to happen.

When we arrived at the hospital there were dozens of press surrounding the entrance. Good thing dad had his hat and we had aviators on or they would've bombarded us with questions. While rushing past the reporter I hear her say,

"As of right now, we have no idea what condition Parker Christian is in. But we can tell yo-" The rest of her report faded the farther I walked away.


After laying there with my dad for a little while I dozed off while resting my head against our conjoined hands, hunched over the bed. I was awakened by someone softly calling me name,

"Knox? Knox? ....Knox?"

Along with that I felt a gentle hand caress my upper back in comforting motion. I groaned and opened my eyes to see Eleanor beside me. I blinked a couple times just to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Hey, Knox you ok?" Tim called from the door. I just noticed he was here. How did they both get through the mass of reporters without getting noticed.

"Thank god for baseball caps,hoodies, and aviators," El laughed. As if she read my mind, I chuckled but didn't laugh, I felt numb." How's he doin' " She questioned. I looked at my dad and sighed.
"Dr. Claghorn told me, he took a big hit to the front of his head..,"

"The frontal lobe?"

"Yeah, that's what he said, told me that adding onto the trauma of getting tackled over the years might take a toll on his mind..,"

"I'm sorry Knox," she sat down, in the chair I hadn't noticed before. She rubbed my back soothingly.

"He also said it would effect his memory," I told her. " what if he doesn't remember me.." I whisper softly.

"Don't think that way Knox, he's been hit many times, your dad's a tough man he will make it through and remember you. Your his son he can't forget you." But it's still possible. I think to myself. El took me down to the cafeteria to get some coffee while her father watched my dad. She tried to lighten the mood with little silly jokes and I really appreciated her in that moment for trying even though all I felt was numb. Tim texted her and told her he had to leave he had to wake up early. He asked her if she wanted to stay. She looked up from her phone at me while biting her lip and I nodded my head letting her know I was fine and she told her dad to bring her back some clothes for tomorrow.(outfit to the side). He brought her clothes and kissed her forehead and pulled me out into the hall.

"I know that you like my daughter son," Tim said.

"Huh? What!" I was shocked he was straight about it.

"Don't worry she doesn't see it ...yet but I can tell she cares for you." I sighed. " now, I'm letting her stay because I can trust you guys right?"

"Yes sir" I answered.

"Good man, let's keep your father in our prayers." He patted my shoulder. That's when it hit me. I'm spending the night with Eleanor. It's not the ideal situation but lightened my mood from where it was earlier. I walked back into the room where I saw Eleanor laying down in one of the cods the hospital set out for us. Hers was next to mine with about two feet in-between them. I stripped down to a t-shirt and shorts and laid down too.

"Hey El?" I whispered.

"Yes?" It came out as a yawn from her.


"Goodnight Knox," I smiled a little smile hearing her say my name. She really was caring to stay with me tonight. But as I closed my eyes all I could think about was my dad and prayed that he would be okay.

-sorry for updating late I've been so busy . -Jada

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