Chapter 6

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After getting El's number from Elliot all I could do was think about her. By the time I got into the locker room, all of the guys were gone. I walked to my locker stripping myself of my pads, jersey, and pants. When I was completely bare I walked into the showers. I turned the knob letting the hot water cascade onto me. My mind was replaying pictures of Eleanor. Her tan legs. Her perky breast. Her beautiful smile. Her firm ass. She was perfection. I looked down to find that I had a major hard on. This became a regular thing whenever I thought or saw Eleanor. She really knew hot to get my blood flowing. No one was here to I took care of my "problem" like I always did. I reached down an grabbed my member. Thinking about how good it would feel to have her small hands around me. Caressing me. I imagine her whispering things in my ear. My breathing became short and erratic and i know I'm getting close. It felt as if someone was watching me but I was to into what I was doing to care.

"Yes! Eleanor!" I was right on the edge. "Eleanor!" I roared as I came. I laid my head against the wall and tried to calm down my breathing. After I got out of the shower I dressed and drove home. When I walked into the house no one was home normally my dad is home before I am and is waiting to ask about practice or about..Eleanor. I just asked him to not say anything to her or her father, even though they are best friends. Dad just tells me i act like he did when he met my mom, whipped. My mother. She left me with my father when he got hurt while playing ball. She was just here for the money. She left when I was seven and I hopt ashe never comes back. She was like a leech,there until she sucked you dry. As I walked into the kitchen there sat a note on the island that read:


Headed to the grocery store. When I get back Tim is coming over and we will be playing some ball in the field outback. you are welcome to join us if you wish.


Does this mean Eleanor is coming over? but the note just talks about her dad. Gosh, I'm such a love sick puppy.


When I got home, I rushed through the doors and upstairs to my bathroom shower. Once I undressed, I stepped into the steaming spray as I let the water caress me. My mind was racing with all of my thoughts. Most importantly.....what do I do? After my shower, I pulled my hair into a high pony tail as it dried adding a headband, and slipped on my lace undergarments and laughed remembering when my dad, a 274 pound football player was walking around Victoria secret with me. We got a lot of looks that day, we'll dad did. I grabbed my maroon ripped off shorts and a dark grey v-neck. Maybe I should call over the girls? I thought as I pulled on my black elite socks. I ran out of my room and slid down the banister of the stair case like in the movies. To find my dad and Mrs.Mulberry in the kitchen.

"Hey Dad, can I invite some friends over?" I asked.

"Sure thing bub, just as long as their parents are ok with me not being here," He replied while making a bacon sandwich.

"Dad, we are in high school most parents don't care, and where re you going to be?"

"Well, I care! I'm heading over to Parker's, and we are gonna toss around the football and hang, isn't that what you kids do now adays," Oh he's going to knox's.

"Oh my gosh, dad! Never say that again and okay," I laughed," I'll just call them." I said as ate a piece of bacon off my dad's BLT Sandwich.

"Hey!" he yelled.

"Ya snooze, ya lose," I replied as strolled out of the kitchen while pulling out my phone to text val. I told her that she and the girls should come over. She replied right away and said they would be here within the hour. All I know is that I needed girls to talk to because what I saw in the locker room earlier, puzzled me. I couldn't talk to my dad, he would take me off the team. And I wouldn't want to burden Mrs.Mulberry with my teenage troubles. After my montage of thoughts my stomach gave a ferocious growl.

"Hey daddy," I said in a sickly sweet tone." Will you make me a sandwich." I yelled behind me from the couch in the living room.

"Oh El!" He grumbled which ment he wasn't happy about it ,but I was his little girl and he was gonna make me a sandwich. Minutes later a mouthwatering BLT was place in the coffee table in front of me. I licked my lips.

"I have to go, El, I'll see you later okay?" He said and I nodded as he grabbed his black duffel that sat at the end of the couch and he leaned down and kissed my head."You girls be good for Mrs. Mulberry." After that he left. About twenty minutes later I heard knocking at the door. After I opened the door Val and the girls walked in with there bags. They dropped them on the floor as they walked in and looked flabbergasted at my house.

"Hey guys? are you okay?" They all turned to me as Val answered.

"Your house is fucking amazing!" She smiled while Lucy, Jayden and Gabby nodded their heads in agreement.

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