Chapter 10 : When she needs to relax

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Chapter 10 : When she needs to relax

Eleanor's POV

When I wake up, I look over to the other cod and see the slow rise and fall of Knox's shoulders as he lays on his side. His face is free of worries, he looks like a small child. But small he was not, his 6 foot something self made the cod look as small a barbie bed. I laughed at the sight. I walked over to the ensuite bathroom because I had to go pee. When I finish and I'm washing my hands, the door opens starting me, it's Knox.

"Knox?...Knox?" He looks like a zombie. He walks toward the toilet and unzips his pants.

"Knox!" I yell softly. He's sleep walking and he pulls out his Jr. And I quickly turn around. Wow! When he's done. I hear his zipper and he walks past me back into the hospital room. I wasn't joking when I said he was huge ... In ways more than one. I walk back out to the room to find him laying in my cod. He looks too peaceful to move. So I walk over to grab my clothes and return to the bathroom. Once I'm dressed I write a note for Knox that I was going to go home for a bit, then hit the gym and I'd be back later. I told him to text me if he needed anything.

When I arrived at my house dad was already gone to practice. They needed more practice because they needed to work with who was going to replace Knox's dad while he was out. I saw Mrs.Mulberry she gave me a big hug and kiss in my cheek.

"Hey sweetie, how's everything with Parker?" She asked concerned.

"He's still unconscious but we are still hoping."

"Good. Good. Tell Knox I'll pray for his father"

"I will,"

"I gotta work on the garden today, So I'll see you later pumpkin." She cajoled as she walked onto the patio. I walked upstairs to my room and changed a sports bra and Nike pros ( to the side ) for the gym. I had to dig through my closet for my white Nike running shoes. After putting on some lotion and a loose workout crop top, I put my hair up and I grabbed my car keys and went to the gym. When I get to the gym my friend Antonio is at the front desk, He owns this gym. He's cute with short black hair thats gelled up in the front and he's very fit with bright blue eyes Too bad he's gay, but he's not one of the feminine gays, he'll be quick to kick your ass and I love him for it. He always looks out for me with the douche bags around here, and I always get to workout in private.

"Hey babygirl, what are we doing today, some elliptical, boxing, Krav Manga.."

"When is the next kickboxing trainer open?" Antonio looks down at the computer and clicks a few times.

"He's finishing up with his last client right now. Follow me." I follow Antonio down the hall into one of the rooms. Opening the door we see a man and a women in the boxing ring he's holding up practice targets for her to hit.

"Marcus!" Antonio shouts. Marcus head snaps to Antonio and the girl's hand hits Marcus in the side of his face.

"I'm so sorry," she rushed while taking off the gloves," I should get going." She hopped down from the ring and grabbed her clothes and left.

"El is your next appointment.. She not a beginner like the others so don't take it easy on her." Antonio turned and winked at me and I rolled my eyes. I looked closer at Marcus with beach blond curly hair and blue eyes like Antonio.we went at it for about two hours because Marcus was getting his ass beat. Haha. I felt refreshed after the gym I kissed Antonio on the cheek and stopped by Panda Express. While eating my Chinese and scrolling through my Instagram feed I got a text from Knox.

From: Knox

Dad just woke up please come. -Knox
Sorry for the wait...LIKE AND VOTE PLEASE!!! - J

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