Chapter 13 - Promises

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hello beautiful people! make sure to comment every response / thought / feelings while you read this!! xoxo em

--the next day

Today is Ellie's 6th birthday. Killian and I woke up early and drove over to Elsa's house. We wanted to be there together for our daughter's first birthday as a family. We brought pink and gold balloons and put them in the room she was sleeping in. Elsa had her sleeping upstairs in the guest room. We put them all in so it would be the first thing she saw in the morning. We sat outside the door and held a donut with a candle in it. We heard her wake up and open the door. Killian lit the candle and we started singing happy birthday. She sat up in bed and smiled. We sat on each side of her. Kilian held up the donut. She giggled. "Make a wish, little love," Killian smiled. She blew out the candle and hugged both of us.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" I smiled. She pulled out of the hug.

"Daddy, can I have my donut now?" She smiled. Killian smiled and handed her the donut. I reached over and held his hand. I made sure Ellie didn't see my new ring. Killian and I had something planned for later.

"Mommy and I have plans for you today, princess." Killian told her.

"What are we doing?"

"That ruins the fun in the surprise little love," he smiled at her.

"Can we go now?"

"Aye, love. Let Mommy and Daddy talk to Auntie Elsa first. Pack your things and head down and then we can celebrate your birthday, alright princess?" She nodded in agreement and Killian and I headed out of the room. Arm in arm we walked down the stairs to the sitting room. We talked to Elsa for a little until our princess waltzed down the stairs in a bright pink shirt, patterned leggings, and a shimmery tulle tutu. Killian had gotten her a crown for her birthday outfit. I tightened my grip around Killian's arm and pulled him close. "Mommy! Daddy!" She ran to us. We picked her up and Killian held her around his waist. "Ready for your birthday bash, my princess?" He asked. She nodded vigorously and we headed out. We all thanked Elsa. Killian put Ellie in her carseat and we started to drive to the house. I made sure to keep my engagement ring hidden from her sight.

We went home and surprised her with a princess swingset in the back yard. We played outside until it was time for lunch. We ate lunch on the patio. Ellie wanted to go swimming next, so we all put our suits on (and to much of my delight, my fiancé took his shirt off). We swam around in the huge heated pool. Ellie floated around on her little inner tube as Killian and I were holding onto each other. We were in the shallow area, however Killian was on his knees so it made it seem much deeper than it truly was. My arms were wrapped around his neck and my legs were around his waist. His were holding my thighs and our foreheads were rested against each other. "I love you." I whispered gently.

"I love you too," he responded before leaning in to kiss me. Soon after our lips made contact, we heard splashing in the water. "Mommy! Daddy! Stop kissing!" Ellie giggled before jumping in right next to us. I squealed and clung myself to Killian, hiding my face in his shoulder. I had moved to his side and he was now holding me like you would hold a child. "Mommy, come jump off the diving board with me! Daddy can catch us!" She said and offered her hand. I smiled and handed her my right hand. I slid out of Killian's arms, stood up, and hopped onto the diving board with my daughter. "I'm ready for you, my loves!" Killian called.

"1....2....3!" Ellie exclaimed and we jumped in. Killian was right there to catch us. He held me on his one side and Ellie on his other.

We continued this for a few hours, jumping in and out and "How about we dry off and Daddy will cook his girls a nice dinner? We can eat out on the patio," he suggested. Ellie and I agreed and we all headed upstairs to dry off and get dressed. Killian put dinner in the oven and we headed outside to sit on the outdoor couch. I sat next to Ellie with my arm wrapped around her. I looked at Killian and he nodded at me. "So, baby, Mommy and Daddy have something to tell you."

"What is it?" I held out my hand so she could see my ring.

"Daddy made Mommy a promise last night. A promise that he would love her forever and ever and a promise that he would marry her."
"Mommy and Daddy are getting married?" She exclaimed. I held Killian's hand and nodded. "Yay!" She hugged me.

"Now, Ellie, I want to make you a promise." Killian got down on knee and pulled out a black box with a tiny ring inside it. It was a crown, with little diamonds on the tips. "I want to promise you that I will be the best daddy to you. I'll protect you and cherish you as long as I live. And I want to promise that I will never, ever, leave you again," He said with a tear in his eye. I was standing a foot or so behind Ellie, tears streaming down my face. He was the best friend, father, and lover, I could ever ask for. He winked at me and turned his attention back to our daughter.

Ellie held out her left hand. "Can you put it on the same finger Mommy has her ring on?"

He shook his head. "Sorry, little love. I'm going to put it on the same finger on your other hand though."


"Because someday, you're going to meet your own prince charming. And you two will fall in love, and maybe I'll let him have my little girl as his princess. And he'll be the one to put that ring on your finger." Killian smiled and put the ring on her small finger.
"I love you Daddy," She said before wrapping her arms around his neck. He hugged her back and stood up.

"I love you too, my dearest Ellie." He said and kissed her head. He set her back down on the ground. Tears were still streaming down my face. Killian came over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what Daddy gave me!" I bent down to her level and showed her my ring too.

"We both have rings from Daddy!" I exclaimed and giggled a little. Killian caressed my side. We moved to the couch. Ellie wanted to show us her dance routine. Killian turned on the speakers and started playing music. My arms were wrapped around my fiance the entire time. I rested my head on his chest. I looked up at him as she danced. Tuning the music out, we smiled. "What is it?" he asked and rubbed my back.

"I'm just happy," I smiled.

"Aye love, me too," He said. I leaned up and met his lips in a passionate kiss. We shared a sweet moment together, our emotion and passion pouring into each other. "Ugh, do you two always have to be all kissy?" Our sassy six year old put her hands on her hip. However, we didn't hear her. We only heard were each other's heartbeats, beating solely for each other. 

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