Chapter 15 - One Night

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two months later

Killian stood in the bedroom, packing up a duffel bag. Ellie walked into the room and plopped herself up on our king sized bed. "Daddy, what is you doing?"

"I'm just packing a few things for tonight, little love," he smiled at her before returning to folding up a pair of pajama pants.

"Daddy, is you leaving?" She said worriedly. She stood up and put her hands on her hips.

"No, no, no, little love." He dropped his stuff and took both of her hands in his. "Ellie, darling, I would never leave your mother or you. Quite the opposite exactly. Do you remember what tomorrow is?"

She nodded. "Tomorrow is the day you and Mommy are getting married!" She cheered.

"Yes. And it's tradition that the groom, that's Daddy, isn't supposed to see the bride, that's Mommy, the night before the wedding. So Daddy is going to spend the night at Uncle Liam's house."

"So when will you see Mommy and me?"

"I'll see you two when your mother is walking down the aisle."

"And then you and Mommy will be married!" She exclaimed and jumped up to wrap her arms around her neck. He held her and spun her around in a circle, the both of them giggling.

I heard the giggles and headed upstairs. I leaned in the doorway and watched them. "So Daddy only go away for one night?"

"Woah, woah, woah, Daddy is not going anywhere," I smiled as I stepped in the room.

"Actually, love," Killian started and stopped to stand Ellie back on the bed. "I'm spending the night at Liam's. It's bad form to see the bride before the wedding." He smirked.

"But-" I pouted

"Nope. I'll see you tomorrow when you're walking down that aisle to become Mrs. Jones, okay?" He said with a promising smile.

"Okay," I pouted.

"Goodbye, my beautiful flower girl," he whispered to Ellie and kissed her cheek.

"Bye Daddy!" She cheered.

"And goodbye, my beautiful wife," He smiled as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and kissed me gently. I smiled and kissed back with just as much love. "I love you," he whispered.

"Bye baby. I love you too." I smiled as he pulled away. He picked up his bag and left Ellie and I alone in my bedroom.

"Baby doll, it's time for you to head to bed." I smield and picked her up as I carried her to her bedroom.

An hour later, I had Ellie sound asleep in her bedroom. I retreated back to mine, expecting to see Killian. I pulled out my phone and texted Killian.

"Come home, baby. Please." I texted

"Sorry, love. It's tradition."

"But Killlyy"

"Darling, you know I can't."

"Then I'll have to persuade you." I texted, a devious smile on my face.

Killian stared at his phone, dumbfounded. He waited until seconds later an image popped up. I was wearing his favorite pair of lingerie, posing in front of our long mirror. My hip was popped out to the side, my long legs on full display. The lace barely covered my private areas, leaving not much to Killian's imagination. I smirked as I waited for a response.


Over the next 15 minutes, I sent 5 new pictures and 5 corresponding, dirty comments. I knew Killian couldn't contain himself much longer. I stared at my phone as I was left without a response.

I was about to put my phone away when I saw a message from Killian. With 5 attachments of dirty pictures, captioned, "Here, so you can have as much fun with my pictures as I had with yours. I'll see you tomorrow, my Swan."

And that's what I did, I had fun with the pictures my dirty dirty fiance sent. I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I was satisfied and excited for the day ahead. The day I was to become Mrs. Jones.


sorry for the delayed update!! hope you enjoyed this short and pretty crappy chapter :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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