Chapter Thirteen

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I knew she was alive! I knew she was alive! Joanne had cried with joy late into the night after I was sent to bed. I could hear Miss Peregrine trying to calm her down in the kitchen and arguing about what our next step was. Miss Peregrine wanted to report to Miss Wren but Joanne wished to go after Estelle Sparrow herself. They argued back and forth until Joanne got fed up and stormed off to her bedroom, mumbling about how she couldn't find her pipe and she desperately needed a smoke to calm her nerves. I barely slept a wink thanks to all of their arguing, but I didn't let them know that.

I awoke the next morning with a vague feeling that I was being watched. I shifted uncomfortably and peered over the covers. I saw a familiar blonde boy sitting in the corner of the room. He sat in one of our reclining chairs with today's paper propped up against his knee like he was actually reading the thing. He didn't know I was awake yet.

"Thomas!" I screeched and searched for something to throw at him. I ended up hurling a book that sat on the vanity a few feet away from him. It hit him in the head and the poor sod fell over and yelled like the miserable cow he was.

"For birds sake, Amelia! What was that for?" he cried and stood up to face me. I sniggered with amusement and he sat back in the chair.

"'Ow did you get in 'ere?" I asked.

"Mum was at the Archives this morning to meet with Miss Wren and Miss Peregrine so I was nearby."

"I don't believe that was the answer to the question I asked."

"The window was open."

"This is the fifth floor!"

"I flew in!"

"Flew?! Is flying your peculiarity? 'Cos you ne'er really told me," I frowned.

"I turn into a kestrel, same as Mum!" he spouted and glared at me like he was completely offended, which he probably was.

"But you can't be an Ymbryne," I frowned.

"I'm not. I can't do all the time stuff and make loops. All I can do is turn into a bird. Useless if you ask me."

"It's cold! It's the middle of November! Why are any windows open?" I asked.

"Because your American nanny opened them all after she complained for ten minutes about how hot it was!" Thomas informed me. "She's crazy."

I ignored him and quickly ran over to close the window. I didn't even hear Joanne come in here while I was asleep. I didn't like her coming into my room. She was so strange and I was paranoid that she'd go crazy while I was asleep and poison me or something. It was a ridiculous thought, but it was still there. On the other side of the apartment, a door opened and closed again.

"The Bird is home," Thomas sang and left the room, skipping and dancing down the hallway. I frowned. How dare he come in here and act as if this is his own home!

I heard Miss Peregrine greet Thomas in the hallway and she entered my room shortly after as I moved to get dressed.

"Good morning," she kissed my head as I pulled clothes from the wardrobe to wear today.

"Thomas is 'ere," I muttered even though she already knew and it was a pointless statement.

"Ah, yes. I see he made himself quite at home," she remarked and smiled to herself. She never minded Thomas. I think she liked that I had a friend that I got to see frequently since I wasn't at the Academy.

I left the room and headed to the kitchen where Thomas awaited, eating breakfast that Joanne had attempted to make.

"Stop eating our food," I growled.

Scorched Earth: The Prequel to Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children (editing)Where stories live. Discover now