Chapter 2

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Riker's POV

I walked around the entire house, stretching at random times and observing everything and every little detail I've missed for six months. I walked passed Rydel's room. She's already in bed asleep, she was super tired. Then I passed Rocky and I's room. Rocky was in there playing around with his guitar softly so he doesn't wake Rydel up. I stretched and yawned.

"Tired buddy?" Rocky asked me. I shrugged and nodded. "I guess." I replied. I kept walking again and ended up stopping directly in Ross and Ryland's bedroom doorway. There, was Ross, curled up in the corner of the room. I feel bad for him. I walked into the room, sighing and sitting next to my little brother. He's been crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He quickly shook his head and I looked up to the open door. I need to close it. I looked around me, there's a few shoes around. I pick up one of Ryland's shoes and throw it at the door. It moved half way shut, so I threw another shoe, this time making the door shut pretty much all the way. I then grabbed Ryland's boot and threw that. The door shut completely and I dragged my undivided attention towards Ross. "You left a mark on the door." He whispered, pulling his legs closer to his chest. I looked at the door. There a big brown mark from the boot scraped along the back of the pure white door. Well, looks like I'll be getting in trouble later. I crossed my legs and twirled towards Ross. He buried his face into his knees.

"Ross, you're gonna need to talk to me, man." I say as calmly as I can. He peeks up at me and then releases his legs so they slide down to the ground. I sigh and pull him into a hug. "It just hurts so much!" Ross whines, beginning to cry again. I rub his back, elder brother style. "It's okay. It'll all go away soon." I reassured him. He pulled back from me. "What do you mean? It'll never be over! It'll go on forever because she will never break up with me and I'm too much of a wuss to break up with her!" Ross exclaims. I try to settle him down, but he's cracked. He pulls his legs to his chest as fast as you could say hi. He starts cradling himself back and forward, whispering things I can't hear or understand. I stand up and march to the door, open it and poke my head out.

"Rocky! Code-" I begin to say, but Rocky's already flying past me and rushing to Ross. I look at him as he peels Ross' arms away from his knees and he tries to get Ross to snap out of his head. It's hard to watch, knowing he's my little brother and he has this problem. I still don't know how he still does Austin & Ally. Speaking of that, I wonder when they start filming again. No, focus on Ross, Riker. Focus on the problem. Focus on your little brother. I think to myself. I walked towards my two brothers, watching carefully so I wouldn't have to call Rocky again to do this. I don't know how to crack Ross of his disappearing state. It's like he's here, but he's not actually here, if you know what I mean. He is here, it's just he's not actually here with us, he's off in his own little world inside his head. He's not aloud to go there, so we have to pull him out hoping he'll still be the same and hoping he'll still remember everything.

"Riker, go get an ice pack." Rocky said calmly. How can he be this calm right now? I nod anyways and rush downstairs, into the kitchen, and pull out an icepack from the freezer that I haven't seen in six months. I still can't believe we were gone for six months!

"Hey Riker-" I jumped, flying my hands in the air. I gave a fright to the person who spoke up and scared me. I stood up straight, an angry expression battling with my will power to keep the angry expression from showing. You could guess who I'm seeing right now, but I don't think you'd want to.

I'll give you a hint though. She's a shark!

"Malory." I said, annoyed. She rolled her eyes and took the ice pack away from me. "You won't stop me from hurting him. He belongs to me. He's mine." She said through her sharp shark teeth. I swear, she must've been adopted by humans, but born from sharks. "Oh, go jump in the ocean!" I snapped. My mind was clapping. She's a shark, obviously. She growled at me and turned around, strutting down the hallway as if she was on some overly dramatic fashion runway or something. I pulled out another ice pack and ran up the stairs two at a time. As soon as I reached Ross' room, Rocky was laying him down on his bed. I walked over to them and laid the ice pack on Ross' forehead, a tea towel wrapped around it.

"I hope this ends soon." I whisper. Rocky hits me and I look at him.

"It will end soon." He reassured me, stating that we would get out duty as older brothers to Ross done. We'll try to save him. "Hopefully sooner rather than later, Rock." I replied, hope in my tone. I honestly think there must've been a glimpse of hope in my eyes too since Rocky just noticed something with my eyes. I waved him out of the room because he was blocking the doorway. He walked out and we went into our room, plopping down on our own beds and drifting off to sleep. It's been a long day.

Weirdsome ~ Riker Lynch/Rocky Lynch fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now