Red Hood

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So for school, at the beginning of every class we have to write something based on these pictures we use as prompts. Some how all of them end up being fan fiction for me, so I thought why not just publish them! On some of them, I will put the pictures, on others I might not. They are all terrible, so don't judge. But advice would be nice! Here we go....


He stared out the window, aiming the missile launcher at Black Mask himself. Black Mask strode over to the window, and looked out of it. The red dot lined up with his forehead perfectly. Black Mask looked up, and saw the man. The man, who we will come to know as Red Hood, waved right at him before pulling back the trigger and letting the missile fly towards it's target. Black Mask let out a few curses, before grabbing his assistant and running out of the meeting room. Suddenly flames engulfed the meeting room, killing all the crime lords and what not inside of it. Red Hood pulls out a grappling gun, before shooting it and swinging over to the now burning building. He jumps onto the roof, and runs to the staircase. He sees Black Mask fighting his way to the bottom floor to escape all of this madness. Letting out a voice modified chuckle, he leaves the building to head back to one of his many safe-houses. His perfect plan is in motion, the Joker will die and Batman will be the one to pull the trigger. He takes off his red helmet, hence the name Red Hood, before sitting down on one of the many chairs in his safe-house. His blue-green eyes stare off into space, as he reminds himself who he is.

"I'm Jason Todd, the second Robin. I died at the hands of the Joker, while my own mother watched. I worked with Batman, but he was too late to save me. The mother I once thought to be my blood one, died when I was 10. I took care of myself until I was 13, then I tried to steal the wheels off the Batmobile before I was caught. Batman took me in, and Bruce Wayne gained another son." He plays this in his head over and over, before his thoughts wander to his death.

"The crowbar hit my flesh over and over, leaving bruises and scars all over me." He can't think any farther than this, it hurts him too much.

"Why, why, why me," he thinks over and over before he falls asleep, dreams haunted by his revival.


Ok, I would have gone into detail about his death but last time I wrote something like that for school, I got sent to the counselor's office. She asked me if there was anything wrong and I just sat there trying to contain my laughter. So to avoid that, I just skip gory details most of the time. If you want to me re-write it with his death added, just let me know!

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