15 | Find The Pair (Part 2)

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The game proceeded with a streak of light trailing towards Bree's direction now. The girl tried her hardest to find a semi threatening command to punish Damon with. She neither liked or trusted him in this game, and still believed he was involved with Mark's death. But she had no clue where a desirable command would be located at, and called out a random number.

"B3 and E6."

A few rounds into the game, watching the cards flip over on the screen was still nerve wracking. They might accidentally end up killing someone.

Beheaded and Electric chair.

"Wow," Bree gasped in shock. So far, these were the worst punishment they could encounter in this twisted memory game. She couldn't even imagine the procedure. Would they have to sit still and watch their friend's head get cut off by this murderous machine?

She shuddered at the thought and turned to her left to see Ginny anticipating her turn. The girl's lips were twitched into a crooked smile, slightly hopping her body impatiently in the chair. The sight resembled that of a person who was eager to pick two cards. Bree did not know whether it was the process of selection or the possibility of hurting others that made Ginny appear so jovial.

As usual, Maddie paid close attention to every single one of Ginny's movements. It was the unexpected ones who would prove to be the most dangerous. Especially after obtaining the diary, she needed to figure out what exactly was going on here.

An eerie hum of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata was sung by Ginny to fill her thought process. She disregarded her partner's anxious look.

"Choose something that is safe," Jay tried telling her, but she wasn't listening.

"I've got it! C3 and E4."

The first card flipped over and revealed Black Widow Torture.

"As in the spider? The Game master got hold of an actual black widow spider?" Maddie asked in shock. She thought all the commands would be physical.

The second card flipped over as well, and to their greatest surprise and doom, revealed the exact same command.

"Wow! I'm so lucky!" Ginny cheered like she won a prize. Was she even aware what this would inflict to her partner?

Jay felt his chair buzzing as a compartment opened the same way it did with Ashlyn's. His eyes peered sideways and was met by the beastly sight of a huge black widow spider the size of a human fist, contained in a poor glass box. Its eight legs pressed against the side of the box, every single detail of its individual hair magnified in vision. Its head was smaller than its humongous body, but the glazed texture of its skin shined in the darkest way possible. The box was held on top of Jay's head.

"No! Get it away from me!"

The guy was squirming and yelling in place, having no power to escape his doomed fate. Tears sprung up his eyes and wetted his cheeks. He had was terrified on emotional and physical levels towards the beast.

"Someone stop this, please!" Natasha cried out, but her request was a mere plea. She had no choice but to watch with devastation as the glass was flipped upside down, toppling the gigantic spider right on top of Jay's face.

It's long eight legs crawled over the surface of his skin. He could feel every brush of its hairs sweeping across him; from his ears to his cheeks, from his nose to his lips, and then it crawled further down his neck in a slow cringing motion.

Everyone held their breath, the silence punctuated by an occasional gasp when someone nearly whimpered in fear. They knew the black widow could bite Jay and spread a venomous poison over him to cause his death.

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