chapter 6

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"ALRIGHT!"Conner yelled

"We did it!"Jack said

"YEAH!"Kira replied

Soon the monster grew 30ft.

"WHOA!"The rangers yelled

Kira grabbed her morpher and said:

" this might be a good time for some heavy metal."

Dr. O nodded and said into his morpher:

"I got it! bracchiozord now!"

Soon the bracchiozord showed up and it relased the t-rex, the tricertops, and the ptera. Jack watched as the three zords became the megazord then as they started to battle. He soon heard another battle going on. Jack took off running knowing that his friends would be fine. He made it right in time to see his uncle attack Zeltrax. He fell to the ground and Jack ran and stood by his Uncle.

"What ever your problem is I don't have time for it right now!"his uncle said

"This isn't over!"Zeltrax said then he jumped in a invisiportal.

Jack and Dr.O went to follow but it was to late.

Conner, Ethan, Jack , and Dr. O walked into the Cyberspace talking about what Jack's wepond should be,

"come on guys not that!"Jacksaid

"Totaly you could be all metrix!"Ethan said

"I am not giving my him a dangerous wepon like that Ethan!"Dr. O said

"You gave him a morpher!"Conner said

"True, but it runs in his blood!"Dr. O replied

Jack hadn't heard that because he and Ethan had kept walking.

"ETHAN! I don't want a thron whip or a magical wand!" He said

Jack stopped walking and Ethan noticed.

"What?"Ethan asked

"How long do you think it will be before they hook up?"Jack asked

"Three weeks!"Ethan said

"I'll give them till prom!"Jack said

Ethan laughed and said:



The four of them stood in the crowd to support their ptera ranger. Jack stood infront of Conner and Dr.O. Jack looked at Dr. O and Conner who had weird looks on their faces. Jack just rolled his eyes. Jack screamed as loud as he could as well as hid other partners for their friend Kira. The group said goodbye to Kylee after she apologized to Conner, Kira, and Jack.

"Well I guess some pop stars can learn its not all about them."Kira said

"And others need their youth sucked out of them, by a freaky monster, who is doing it for a mad dinosuar scintest!"Jack said

The group laughed and decided to get smoothies on DR.O.

That night Jack was getting ready for bed, she was beat. He never thought being a ranger would mean you would be this tired. Dr.O dropped Abby off at Hayley's cyberspace while he went to pick up something

"I'm going to drop you off at Hayley's while I go and send your weapon blue prints to a friend."Dr. O said

Jack walked in the cyberspace to see he friend Trent running around crazy. His saw he sew his blue companion sitting against the wall on a computer. Then he heard a scream from a computer. He noticed that it was Cassidy's. Jack only knew one person in the cafe that could do that. So he walked over to Ethan.

"Having fun?"Jack asked

"Yeah."Ethan said laughing and looking at Jack

Jack gave him a hard stare.

"Alright, I'm stopping."he said

Soon Jack noticed Anton Mercer walk in and start talking to Trent. Ethan noticed that his green friend wasn't paying attention to him anymore.

"Jack are you going to tell me and the others how you know Mercer? We know how Dr. O does but I really don't see how you do."Ethan said

"I'll tell you sometime...but, not right now kay...Now aren't you suppose to be working on some type of project?"Jack asked

"How did you-"Ethan asked

"Conner and Kira..."

Ethan laughed, then noticed how Dr. O walked in. Jack laughed as he walked over. The two talked to Hayley while Trent and Ethan walked on their projects. Soon Trent walked over to Dr.O.

"Hey Trent whats up?"Jack asked

"Uh..Dr.O can you give me a lift?"Trent asked

"Sure."Dr.O replied "Jack you ready to go?"

"Yeah. bye Hayley see you later."Jack said

Jack walked with the two to the jeep.

"Thanks for the ride Dr.O Jack , dad would have freaked if I got home late again."

"No problem."Jack replied

Trent got in the passenger seat while Jack jumped in the back. He was wearing a green shirt and blsck jean . Dr. O cranked up the jeep and soon the three were driving down the road to Trent's house. Jack was enjoying the ride till he heard his uncle say:

"What the?"

Jack wanted to question him but he turned to jack and Trent and said:

"Jack Trent look and tell me what you see."

"A big gold guy running about fifty miles right behind us."Trent said

Jack nodded, that was all Dr.O needed to know. He slammed on the breaks and the golden dude hit the back of jeep making Jack , Trent, and Dr. O be jerked forward.

"Whoa."Jack said

Trent, Tommy, and Jack unbuckled their seat belts then jumped out and went to look at the golden figure.

"What is that thing?"Trent asked as they got close enough to it.

"Awe man my insurance company is never going to believe this!"Dr. O said

"Your insurance company no one is going to believe this!"Jack said

Soon sheb noticed that the monster had clutched its fists and was standing up.

"Which one of you is ?"he asked

"Uh..."Trent asked

"That would be me!"Dr. O said walking forward.

Jack and Trent looked Dr. O like he was crazy. While Trent was looking Jack pressed a button on his morpher and sent the others their locations.

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