Bryce Walker Imagine

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Bryce's POV
Walking through the halls of the school, I see a girl. Long blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She has a tight crop top on that hugs her body just right, and boot cut jeans that hug her hips flow down to her black converse. She is probably the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen.

She looks more confident than any girl I've ever seen. Her bag is hanging off her shoulder and she's walking towards the library, so I decide that I need to go to the library too.

I walk to the library and see that she is sitting by the window and her eyes are glued to the book in her hand. Her dark stormy ocean blue eyes scanning the pages. She is totally gorgeous.

I walk to the library, the only place I can get any quite in the loud school that I get to go to, for now. I am an army brat so I'm always moving around, I never know how long I'm gonna stay in one place. A boy with darkish brown hair, and ice blue eyes, that dazzle when the light hits them looks at me and smiles a smile that only an angle could possess.

I'm indulging myself into a book and I see the boy again. He walks towards me and sits by me in my place by the window.

"I'm Bryce, I'm on the basket ball team." "I'm Y/N, just moved here." "Would you like me to show you around?" "Sure"

He grabs my hand and pulls me around telling me where everything is and introducing me to all of his friends. As the school day went on we got closer and closer. After school he gave me a ride to his house and we hung out there with his friends, getting stoned and drunk. I fell asleep on the couch eventually and couldn't imagine a better night.

Bryce's POV
Y/N fell asleep after getting stoned and drunk with us. Zach and Marcus left but Justin and Y/N stayed mainly cause Y/N was passed out and Justin had no where else to go. I picked Y/N up and brought her up to my room and laid her on my bed. I walked across the hall to the bathroom and showered and changed into basketball shorts. I walked back to my room and laid with her. She stirred but faced me and cuddled herself into my chest. I put my arms around her and fell asleep.

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