|1| Peachy Encounter

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It was another slow, lazy and sunny afternoon in the market. You yawn as you sit behind your stall, you were on your break and your boss was taking over. "Fruits! Just fresh from this morning! Can't find fruits like these anywhere else!"

You sigh to yourself, 'fresh from this morning my ass' you thought as you got up to get a cup of water, the only fresh fruit were the peaches that you supplied just before work started. You promised to give the boss a basket of peaches every once in while for the stall if he let you work there.

You close your eyes, lent back against the chair with your feet up on the rough wooden table and started to daydream:

~(y/n)'s day dream~

BOOM! It lifted its tentacles to strike again but (y/n) was too fast, she jumped doing a backflip as the monster swiped and missed the (h/c) girl. Panting and sweating, she runs up to the octopus-like dungeon creature with its many slimy tentacles but was suddenly pulled back by something, another dungeon creature has joined the battle! The new foe was short and very goblin-like, with small pointed ears and a nasty sneer on its little face.

(y/n) swung her sword at the goblin, but it was fast on its feet and darted away picking up rocks with its little claw-like hands and pleating them at (y/n) whenever it could. She was now having a tough time trying to dodge the tentacles and kill the goblin not to mention getting one or two bruises from the rocks. Then an idea came to (y/n) and started to run away from the goblin. The goblin was quite clearly confused and stopped where it was as (y/n) pulled out something golden. The goblin, who loved gold coins, immediately started to chase after her to get the shiny object (which was actually a gold button XD).

She ran, 'if I time this correctly...'. She saw a tentacle coming down from above and she jumped, another backflip as they were her specialty. The goblin stopped in surprise as everything suddenly seemed to play out in slow motion. The girl's figure as her body gracefully twisted in the air, she was just above the goblin now and the goblin still stood there dumbfounded not seeing the tentacle that (y/n) expertly passed under and it came crashing down onto the goblin.

(y/n) landed perfectly on her two feet, she smirked making a note to sew on her button after she had captured this dungeon. "You're next, octopus!" She shouts as she started to run around the monster. It was infuriated and started to chase (y/n) with its tentacles and rapidly turning around as it continuously lost sight of her. But (y/n) was as cool as ever as she ran, jumped and dodged. She did one final jump through two tentacles and stopped to admire her work. The monster was now a tangled mess on the floor, it wobbled a bit, then fell on its side making a whole lot of dust go up. (y/n) coughed into her elbow as she slowly walked over to the beast and plucked out the large, red gem on its forehead, "Thank you." She said as she walked away from it and towards the giant and beautifully decorated door that opens to the treasure room. She inserted the gem inside the slot and pushed the door open...

{Your proverb}
"(y/n)!" I jolted awake as I heard someone call my name. "(y/n)! Get back to work!" I sigh as I got up and opened the flap that lead back into the stall, I was just getting to the good part of the dream too. Sulking a bit, I went to the front of the store.

"You're late."

"Only by what? Two minutes?"

"Look here (y/n), I only hired you because of your pretty face, not your smart mouth."

"Yeah I know, you've only told me about two hundred times."

He rolled his eyes which was unusual because I was usually the one doing that.

"Anyways, we're not having a good day today so if you don't shut up and make a few more sales then you might never be making anymore sales here ever again. Got it?"

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