|5| Escape

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I was running, running, running...I just need to reach a little further...Amelia...I'm scared.

In the distance there was a slender figure with long brown hair reaching to just above the waist and some shinny looking cloths with a sweeping white cloak around her shoulders, Amelia? I ran towards the figure and saw my sister's familiar face, her eyes were pale blue like our fathers and she was a bit taller and thinner then what I remembered.

I've been living off peaches from the three peach trees in what used to be our backyard for the past two months. I slept under them as I gazed at the stars, crying for mummy and daddy and wondering when Amelia was going to come back almost every night.

I hugged her, "Ouch..." my face hit her hard shinny cloths. Amelia looks surprised, "You're alive..." then she laughed, picked me up and hugs me.

"It's armour, so you have to be careful." She looks around with a grim expression and I start crying into her shoulder. "Come on," She whispers softly, "I'm here to take you home." She turns around to leave, but I remember something, "Wait! What about the peach trees?" For the first time she spots the peach trees that survived the massacre. She stares at them for a long time and tears well up in her eyes as a breeze blows the hair out of her face. Then she kisses me on the forehead gently and whispers, "Don't worry. I'll take them with me, watch this."

She puts me down and I run off to the side to give her space. She stands with her legs apart and says some weird words. I let out a small gasp as I was blown backwards by a sudden gust of wind. A purple glow seemed to come from her and spirals of slender vines burst from the ground surrounding the peach tree and petals were everywhere. I looked around in amazement and did a little twirl looking up at the falling petals laughing as I watched the once dry and deserted land turn into a beautiful and colourful place.

--Dream end--

I blinked, where was I? I rolled over and  closed my eyes, I felt a blanket over me and snuggled down into it. 

'I'm in bed' I thought. It was so warm, but why is it so bright? I snuggle down deeper into the blankets so that the light wouldn't get to me. I don't remember opening the curtains...

"Excuse me miss, but I brought you your cloths." Said a soft, slightly muffled voice.

"Go away Amelia.." I muttered, "just a little longer."

"Hey! Get up you lazy asshole." Maybe Amelia's on her period? Her voice sounds funny...

I felt the blankets being yanked away, but I grabbed them just in time. "Amelia, why are you being so mean?" I moaned.

'Amelia? Who the fuck is Amelia?" Huh? That voice is deeper than Amelia's...almost like a guy's voice. I opened my eyes, was blinded by the light, and closed them. I felt the invader give one last yank and the blankets were pulled away. There was a loud crashing sound and I immediately curl up in my defensive position, hugging the pillow so that no one would steal it. As I buried my face into the pillow, I realised how silky it felt today: it was usually as lumpy as a sack of potatos. I rub my face against it, "Mmm...." I moan, it smelt faintly of lavender, maybe Amelia was practicing her magic on my pillow...it was...so silky....too silky.

"THIS ISN'T MY PILLOW!!!" I jolted up and threw the pillow upwards. In half a second I was blinded by the bright, piecing light. "Ahh..." I squinted and waited for my eyes to adjust before looking around.

"Where the FUCK am I?" I was in a huge room, equipped with a wardrobe, glass windows that had white curtains with little pearls sewn into it at the bottom, a huge bed in the middle with velvet drapes which was where I was sitting. The floor had black carpeting with gold stitched into it, there was a door across the room and another, fancier double door to the left with engravings of roses on it. The ceiling is way higher than it should be, it could have another storey fit into it if it was a normal building. In the middle of the ceiling is a crystal chandelier, it was quite small, but large enough to be worth a year's salary at the fruit stall.

There is no way that anyone I knew would live in a place like this, and it's not like i had any friends anyways.

"Have I been kidnapped?" I hold my head in panic, trying to take all this in.

"Oh no, I've I been kidnapped-"
"What if I get raped-"
"I don't have any money-"
"Holy shit, I'm going to die-"

A voice interrupted my rambling, "Umm...excuse me?" I looked up to where the voice was coming from. At the doorway there was a man about my age (Hakuryuu Ren is two years younger than Judar for reference ^^), he had long, tide-up, black hair and a scar on his face that went over his left eye; which is electric blue colour, his right eye was black. He had just opened one of the double doors with one hand and had some neatly folded cloths held in his other hand.

"Hi..um...I'm Hakuryuu. I knocked, but no one answered so I thought you were still asleep and I heard yelling so I came in to check if everything is ok."

His cute face suited his voice really well and his eyes were wide with concern, he didn't look like the type of person to kidnap a random girl. Then there was his left eye, I wonder what happened...

I realised that I was staring and looked down at the pile of blankets on the floor in embarrassment.

The blankets stirred and rustled.

I jump back against the head of the bed, clutching the crisp, white sheets. Hakuryuu hurried over to look at what made the noise, he saw the pile of blankets.

Now that I come to think of it wasn't there someone here before Hakuryuu came in? If the person who pulled away my blankets then who is this...

Hakuryuu took an uncertain step towards the heap and poked it with his right foot.

"Oi! What was that?" A muffled voice comes out from the blankets.


Hakuryuu tugged at the blankets as Judar tried to fight his way out, but he wasn't really the muscular type so he pulled using his whole body weight instead.

"Um..be careful..you might..." I debated wether I should help or not. On one hand we have the sweet Hakuryuu and on the other hand...

Realisation hit me in the face right at that moment.

"IT WAS YOU! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I stood up and ripped the blankets away. Hakuryuu tumbled off somewhere.


Judar was on the floor; where he belongs. He looked up at the and squinted. For a moment he looked like he was confused, the light was hitting him from the side as he looked up at me, dazed.

Then the peaceful moment just had to be broken.

"Hey bitch."

"What the fuck did you just call me?"

"Are you deaf now? I said: 'hey bitch'"

I stormed over to him and lifted him up with one hand by that stupid bra that he wears.(you have to admit that it looks kinda like one when you think about it :P)

"Say it again."

He smirked, "And what are you going to do about it? Bitch."

"E..excuse me.." in the corner of the room Hakuryuu speaks up, "u...um... where would you like me to put your cloths?"

I nearly for got about him. "Oh um, just on the bed thanks." I pointed to the corner of the bed, accidentally letting go of Judar.

Hakuryuu frantically signals to Judar to leave the room, Judar does his stupid smirk again and leaves the room. Before closing the door Hakuryuu says, "Could you please come to the dining hall when you're changed? One of the maids will take you there and we'll explain everything."

I nodded and he closed the door. As soon as the echoing footsteps died I turned around and started pulling the velvet drapes off the bed frame.

Explain everything my ass, I'm getting out of here.

Guys, I am so sorry. My story got deleted somehow and I had to rewrite it, I didn't edit this so I'll probably make changes to it later. If you find any mistakes please tell me in the comments^^

Sorry again, cya ya soon Reader-Chan~

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