I recall the moments when I slept;
Tears running down my pillow as I wept;
I found it so hard all the pains to the depths;
Bounded by sorrows all the joys left;
Indeed I found nobody to believe;
Despite all these, it was hard to get a relief;
I saw myself peeping in the mirror;
All I could see was "me" hiding like a sniping terror;
Nevertheless I removed the "hid" in the lead with no fear;
Then I was embraced and beloved, all the guilts and shame disappeared;
Indebted to thee for the change, cause now everyday seems to me like a new year;
And I see myself in the glass crystal clear.Sincerely - Francis Mossang 🙏
PoetryThese contains the poems which I've written by myself alone. It is especially based on the different arenas of my journey to life. Enjoy the ride with rhymes. Please Vote and Share 💯