Chapter 4

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I watched as Colby entered into the doors and I looked in disbelief. He walked over to the nurses’ station. “Excuse me, what room is Alexis Munez is?” The nurse said something and pointed to us. He looked over and smiled, but then it went away when he spot me. He stopped walking and back tracked around a corner by the vending machines. Out of view.

I looked over at Logan. He was talking to his mom about when he had to go back to Florida to finish shooting. “Logan?” he turned and looked at me.

“Yeah Bree? You okay?” I shook my head and tried to think of a way to get over there and talk to that kid.

“I’m gunna go and get a water from the vending machine. You want anything?” it has been an hour and I was getting thirsty so it wasn’t completely a lie.

“Umm…why don’t I just go with you.” He started to get up but I stopped him with my hand. Wow, hard.

“no its okay. I’ve got it. I need you to stay here in case the surgeon comes.” He nodded and took my sweatshirt from my hand and set it on him lap. Then resumed his discussion with Lisa. I looked over at Shannon who was talking to another family member waiting for news.

I started walking over to the vending machines. I like hospitals. A lot of people hate them because of the way they smell or just the fact of what they do here. In fact, all they do is try and help you. And the smell is cleansing. I’m in college now for a major in Radiology, since I was little I knew I wanted to be in the medical field.

I turned the corner and saw him sitting up against the wall. He saw me and stood up as I looked past him and kept walking. I walked over to one of the vending machines that had drinks. I put in my money and waited for my water to vend.

“I know you know. Lexie texted me earlier today and told me.” He spoke matter of factly and sounded proud of himself. “I texted her begging for her to come and see me but she kept saying “her beloved” boyfriend was home.” He used his fingers to show the quotations around her beloved. I was going to say something but he continued. “But then I called her and told her I needed to see her. She was on her way to see me when she had the accident.” I knew it! I shook my head.

“she has a boyfriend, why can’t you just except it and move on?” he started laughing.

“oh, if she is sooo happy…why did she except my marriage proposal?” I felt like I was hit in the face with a brick. Then I jumped when my water thumped into the little door thingy.

“You’re lying…she wouldn’t do something like that? She loves Logan.” I refused to believe him. But he just kept smiling and chuckling. He ran his hand through his blonde hair and sighed. Well when she is done with surgery, you can ask her for yourself.”

“No I won’t because I know my friend, she WOULDN’T do that!” I got a little too loud and then calmed down. I didn’t want Logan walking over. I bent down and grabbed my water bottle.

“You know…Lex was right. You are a know- it- all bitch!” I felt the venom in that bite and it hurt. Did she call me that? This is a knew side of Lexie that I have never known. I didn’t know what to do so I turned to the snack vending machine and looked for something for Logan to eat. I found a bag of Doritos. I silently took out my money and put it in the machine.

I could feel Colby behind me and his eyes on me, watching. “Take a picture it will last longer.” I remained forward at the machine as I punched in the numbers.

“I don’t have a camera.” He laughed, what a smart ass.

I bent down to get the popcorn and as I went to pass him he grabbed my wrist. “Let go of me!”

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