Too Tired/Sick ~ BTS Suga

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Suga's POV

I just woke up from my daily nap. When I opened my eyes and saw my Girlfriend looking so tired. I stood up and walk closer to her. I peck her lips and smiled at her.
"Welcome back Babe!" I greeted her
"Thanks Yoon!" She said smiling weakly
"You look a little tired!" I said
"Yeah! But I actually don't feel a little good!" She said holding her head.
"Are you sick?" I said while trying to figure out her temperature. When my hand moves closer to her forehead it felt a little hot.
"You have a high temperature!" I said then I carried her up and put her down gently on a chair. I fixed our sofa into a bed (sofabed). I carried her up again and laid her gently on the bed.
"Thanks Yoon!" She said than I run to the kitchen and took some medicine for her. I found a cold soup inside our refrigerator. I took it out and heated it.
~5 minutes later~
I served the soup and bring it to her. I walk back to the living room only to find a sleeping (y/n). I put the tray on our coffee table and walk closer to her. I sit down next to her and tap her hand. Her eyes flutter open. She looks over to me and smiled weakly.
"Sit up! I'm gonna feed you!" I said then she followed and I took the tray. I set up the mini table over her lap. I gently put the bowl of soup on the mini table.
"Say ahh!" I said then she followed and I put a spoonful of soup into her mouth.
~15 minutes later~
She finished eating. I gave her, her medicine and she took it. After that I gave her water. I took all the dishes and carried it to the sink. I cameback to her and take the minitable away from her. I tucked her in the covers and she fell asleep.
Such an Angel!
While I was watching my Girlfriend sleep someone knocked on the door.
"Who is it?" I asked
"It's Chim!" The person said I walked over to the door and opened it.
"What do you want?" I asked
"The whole team is here! We thought it's a good time to hang out!" He said
"Not a good timing!" I said
"Wae?" He asked
"(Y/n)'s sick!" I said
"Well! We can help you take care of her!" The others said
"Okay! It's a good idea because Jin Hyung's with you!" I said
"We know how to take care of others to you know!" They said
"Sure!" I said then I laughed softly. I walked back to my sleeping Angel. The others followed me and locked the door.

Aww! Looks like little (y/n) is sick!
Not to worry! Daddy Yoongi is there to take care of you!

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