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Its been a month and kaden still hasn't woke up yet. 

And we havent left the hospital every since. Well, me and lucas take turns , ill come stay the night with kaden  , and he'll be at home with kadence , only because its only one person can stay the night .

Kadence only could see him one and she could cone back no more because he's in ICU , intensive care unit .

And i barely get any sleep at home or this hospital .

At the hospital , the couch is so uncomfortable , nurses and doctors be in there to check on him every hour , they come in every morning and open the curtains like somebody tell them too , the machine beats all though the night on and off which scares the hell outta me , but the doctors said its only because he moves , like he wanna wake up but doesnt.

You can bare catch his movements on in the daytime but at night you'll think he about to get up and walk out the door , and you sometimes can tell when the IV , is itching cause you can see him trying to scratch or  pull at it .

But the doctors said he was an sign of improvement , so if thats the signs of improvement then im all for it. 

And i read to him everyday , only cause he missing alot of school. ,but school can wait as he's fine and well . And its so sweet , that once the teachers seen it on the news and they knew who the person was the were calling me asking how he was doing and asking if i was okay , of course i wasnt okay at the time it happen , but like the nurses said he's improving .

His teacher , let all his classmates make him get well cards , which i been reading to him every since ,  and she even brought get well balloons and brung them up here and seen him so im thankful for his teacher .

Me and lucas are getting better and better , and got back together , sasha is hopefully completely out of our lives , the simply fact that that wasnt lucas baby .

The dna doctor said  , they can look like you but it doesnt mean they yours , and thats true.

I guess she had to be pregnant when she went with him or she cheated and then got pregnant , then when you talk to the baby and all this other stuff , or like my grandma  use to say is , when your spouse gets on your nerves alot , the baby with come out looking like the father .

The baby was a little cute chunky baby and although all the beef we had , im which her nothing but the best to be an great mother to her baby .

And i know yall like why her and lucas getting back together.

Well cause , i loved lucas since , them high school days , and when he say he sorry and he explained everything then he sorry . But like i said we been better since this month. 

"Mommy." I heard .


Kaden's in a coma , kadence at home so who was it ? .

I looked over and seen an open eyed kaden looking at me .

I was in a deep thought catching yall up i didnt realize my son has woke  up and is calling my name .

" mommy where am i .  "

I jumped up from the couch i was at going over by his bed side .

" im here baby . " i said wiping my face of the tears that slipped .

"Mommy im cold." He said .

" oh - ohkay . Ima get the nurse , lay back down  , dont move "

I walked out the room so get nurse and doctor . They came in the room .

" wow , he's awoke." The nurse smiled ,  " congrats mama , i know this is all you wanted ."

I smiled the went to check on him making sure he was okay .

" hey kaden do you know where you are?" The doctor said .

" nuh-no . Mommy."

"Kaden im right here let them check you then they'll get u a blanket . " i said .

" we'll get you and warm blanket , do you know you in the hospital? " the nurse said. .

I guess they were trying to get him to know where he's at and if he lost  his memory , they already said when he wake up thats what they was gone have to do .

Why they was doing that i called lucas and he picked up.

" wassup , whats going on , you good , kaden good? He asked .

" yeah im fine and he fine calm down , come to the hospital . .kaden just woke up . "

" what? , im on my way . " i said okay and we hung up .

All through the episide of me trying to kill my self. ,me not getting sleep through the night worrying about my child and me and lucas getting back together , my son waking up all i had to do was keep the faith and stay prayed up , i was gone be fine , thank you lord.

Update.: no need to keep this part in my drafts so there yall go 👇 disregard most of that stuff down there cause i am going a book 3 , yall go read my new book adopted dancer . Another part coming til i really drop the book
Yep this is it. ,one next will the the epilogue and probably no trilogy only because i can tell yall not fw this story anymore and me either. ,and if i think about doing an trilogy it want be posted til a long time and til i get alot of chapter going so yall wouldn't have to wait .

But i wanna say thanks to all who is reading and those who love the story. , and to all the ghost readers , i got alot of them .

I know all the mistakes and the book is not perfect but yall stuck through it all . And i love yall for that 💯👏👏 .

Thanks .

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