like we were kids again

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"Wait, you've never been to Chuck E. Cheese?" Leo asked dumb struck.

"In case you haven't noticed, we didn't have the easiest childhood," I said.

Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Percy and I decided to go to a cafe and just chill like regular teenagers for once. Somehow, we started talking about the happier parts of our childhood. We started talking about Chuck E Cheese and how awesome it was or something. Apparently the only people who have never been there was Hazel, Jason and me.

"That's not the point!" Leo said. "Chuck E. Cheese should be a mandatory part of everyone's life! You just can't not go there. Percy, how could you let this happen?"

"I met her when we were twelve! I didn't hear about until now," Percy said. "And don't forget, Hazel and Jason have been deprived too."

"I wasn't around when it was around, so," Hazel said. Frank wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Hazel," Frank said.

Piper reached for Jason's hand and had a sweet-sarcastic smile. "My poor, poor baby. He just doesn't know."

"Piper...," Jason blushed a crimson red.

"Well it looks like we'll just have to miss out," I said.

Truth be told, I would really like to go to Chuck E Cheese. When I was five, I asked my dad to take me and he said no. He was always too busy. I always envied seeing the other children play and scream and have fun with each other and their parents. However, I was seventeen now and there was no way I was going to climb through those tubes anymore. Percy had been looking at me the whole time and now he had this weird glint in his eyes.

"I have an idea," Percy smirked.

"Oh no, I'm out of here," Leo had just got up when Percy waved his hand.

"No, don't worry. This is actually a good idea."

"I'm with Leo on this one," I said. Percy's signature puppy dog face was on and I found my will crumbling. After about a minute, I lost. "Fine. What's your idea Percy?"

His puppy dog face was replaced with a mischievous grin and he turned to Hazel. What. Have. I. Done?


"Are you guys ready?" Hazel asked. The rest of the gang were standing in a circle as looking at Hazel.

"I guess so," Frank said.

"I'm ready!" Leo beamed.

"Let's do it!" Percy beamed.

Everyone else just nodded. Hazel closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She raised her hands slightly. The Mist began to form all around us, clinging to our skin like the Death Mist did to me in Tartarus. Percy must of had the similar thought because his hand found mines and squeezed it. Then his usual toned hand muscles felt soft and fluffy and the mist subsided to our ankles and... oh my gods. I was in a circle of five years old. I looked down at myself, and noticed that I had looked five years old again too. I knew the mist was powerful, but this was crazy. Percy had pulled his hands away and was examining them.

"I'm so adorable!" Leo cooed. He really was, his elfish features making him now look like an actual elf.

"Awe Frank, you look like a teddy bear!" Hazel said sheepishly causing Frank to blush.

"Wow Jason, you don't change much over the years, huh?" Piper asked.

Jason features had only soften but so much, making him look like one of the most mature five year olds ever. Well, I couldn't talk. While my features did resemble an innocent child's, my gray eyes were still very intimidating and full of wisdom. Hazel had also used the mist to make us mortal forms of our godly parents, which I must say was pretty awesome. We made our way over to the Chuck E Cheese, as gleeful and wild as a bunch of little kids should be. Luckily there hadn't been a long line that Leo, Percy, Piper and Frank had warned us about. We went up to the podium thing with ease and as soon as we got our neon glowing stamps, we ran all around. Percy dragged me to those tube looking things.

"Come on Annabeth!" His little kids voice was super cute.

"I'm coming Percy!" I said. I must say, my voice was cute when it was happy. I wasn't use to a happy child's voice that belonged to me. I liked it.

Percy and I played in the jungle gym for who knows how long and our Mist Parents parents would come and wave to us. We would wave back and tumble around and go down the slides. After a while, we ran over to the arcade and played all sorts of games, my favorite one being the skill crane. Percy and I were now going to the table where our Mist Parents were and saw the rest of the gang there. We all ate pizza and made small talk, which strangely like this.

Me: I want olives!

Mist Athena: They don't have olives here Annabeth

Me: Why not?

Leo: Because their poopy heads!

Mist Hephaestus: Leo! Don't call people poopy heads.

Percy: Call them doopy heads!

Mist Poseidon: Percy...

Jason, Piper, Frank: Doopy heads! Doopy heads! Doopy heads! Chuck E Cheese are doopy heads!

Mist Pluto: *Points to Mist Jupiter, Mist Aphrodite and Mist Mars* Those are your kids

Hazel: Daddy, look! *drops whole pack of Mentos in her soda. Soda explodes*

Mist Poseidon: And she's yours



Mist Athena: Well, looks like my daughter is the most sane here


Mist Aphrodite: Then that means we have a problem

Piper: Lets do it again!

All of the kids: Yeah!

Mist Jupiter: And that's our cue to pack up


We somehow all got up from the table and ran off. So there we were, seven little kids running in every direction screaming about nothing. After about another hour or so, we started to yawn and made our way back to the table. Our Mist Parents smiled, picked us up and carried us out. It wasn't until I was almost asleep did I realize I was in the arms of the actual Athena.


When I woke up, I woke up as a five year old girl. I was tucked into a bed and I was facing my mom. She was sitting in a rocking chair and had a book called "I Meet the Greeks: Goddess Athena" in her hands. She was wearing jeans and a tee shirt with her hair in a loose ponytail. She looked up from the book and smiled at me then put the book on a nightstand and motioned for me to come to her. I climbed out of the bed and sat on her lap and Athena wrapped her arms around me and I grabbed the book. It was a children's book, full of facts on her and the story of Arachne.

"I've always wondered," she said, "what it would be like to raise a family. Like a mortal would. Come home with a beautiful baby girl and make her laugh. Raise her. Protect her. Warn her to chose a man who would never harm her and always protect."

She tilted my chin and smiled at me. "Then I created you. I knew you were special, just like all my other children. After you started to get interested in boys, I was so scared that I would lose you. Then Percy Jackson came along. I never thought I would say this, but I'm glad you found him. He does care for you, and he doesn't seem like he'll ever do anything to hurt you. Shoot, he even went through the trouble of letting you enjoy Chuck E Cheese. Don't let him get away, men that I favor aren't that common. I'm so proud of you Annabeth. I love you."

"I love you too, Mommy," I heard myself say. I cuddled up in her lap and listen to her read aloud until I fell asleep


I woke up in Percy's cabin, wrapped in his arms and seventeen again. I was pretty sure I got here thanks to my mom. Percy probably wouldn't be up for a long time, but I didn't want to get up just yet. So I just laid there thinking about what happened. Not only was I able to go to Chuck E Cheese and spend time with Percy as a kid, I was able to experience the whole thing with Mom. I snuggled up closer to Percy and prayed to my mom; thanking her for today and accepting Percy.

I found this chapter so cute!

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