Like An Angel

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My thoughts filled my head making in whirl around, I can't lose Finn he is the love of my life but Pj has aleays been there for me. Why did Finn have to ask that stupid question tonight? Then why did Pj have to kiss me? I have to tell Finn when he gets home.

Laying on my bed I waited until I heard a click of a lock coming from the living room. Getting up my whole body ached as I felt like I was about to fall with each step I took, slowly growing weaker and weaker. Still walking my stomach twirled making me want to throw up right there on the carpet. Sighing I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds and walked into the living room hwere I found Finn smiling at me. So innocent he walked up to me but his warmth didn't help how cold I felt right now. Walking towards him we hugged each other tightly but I felt nothing but uncomfortable out of it, slightly shrugging him off of me. Looking down at me he frowned, "Is something wrong?" Knowing what I did wrong I sighed heavily and cried internally as the words choked out my mouth.

Amanda: Pj kissed me, and I liked it... I-I'm so sorry...

The tears stabbed down my face and I saw the face of Finn hurt as instead of hearing yelling he just stared at me. Then he got mad as red painted over his face!



Storming out like a tornado he slammed the door and I fell to the cold hard floor. "I-I can't I'm breaking up with you!" just repeated in my head over and over as I crawled to the bathroom. Once I got there I set my he's back hardly sending pain up my neck and head as I tried to call Pj. he didn't answer but I called again and again. He never loved me he lied to me why?! Tears staining my face I got up slightly, dizzy, and started to breathe heavy. Looking at the sink as I turned on the water I put some on my face hoping it to make me feel a little better. But the turning of my stomach made me go by the toilet as I threw up.

"I-I'm breaking up with you!" Yelled through my ears as I threw up again. Crying I washed out my mouth and called Pj once more but he did answer.

"Pj... I'm so sorry." Sobs escaped as I cried through the phone and talked again. "Finn broke up with me and I feel so alone. Why aren't you answering me? Did you lie to me? I want you to be the last person I talk to but apparently it's not going to happen. Goodbye Pj." Hanging up I cried again and stumbled, as things swirled around me, all the way to the front door. Locking it I fell hard and started to gasp for air for I couldn't breathe anymore and I could barely see. "Help me." Escaped my lips softly and I knew no one could hear me as I crawled to my bed and took out my sleeping pills. Staring at the capsules I sighed and titled my head back and I swallowed all the pills. Laying my head down my eyes got super drowsy and the last thoughts escaped my mind. "No one cares about you anymore, goodnight."

Once I closed my eyes I saw myself walking to see all these memories flood in my head and I was smiling in the white room as I watched myself little by little. Watching myself move from school to school and my first steps. Eating ice cream with my sister as we looked like cats and hid from our parents. Me and my first kiss by the swing sets when I was 15. Then I saw Pj and Finn smiling at me as they waved, running up to them we all smiled as I got hugged.

- Finn's POV -

After she told me that I got do frustrated and mad I did something I regret already I broke up with her. Then I left as I saw her fall in her own tears... she still has feelings for me but why did Pj have to do this to us?! PJ! This isn't her fault this is Pj's fault...

Sighing I relaxed as I continued my drive to Marcus's flat. Resting my head on the steering wheel I was already at Marcus's flat but I didn't want to get out yet. Thinking about what I just did I agreed to myself to go inside ask if I can stay the night. Then text Amanda to see if she was okay. Finally dragging myself out the car I felt coldness surround me even more and I walk to the door knocking slowly but hard. As a sober Marcus opened the door he looked at my now red face from where my hands once were. Not asking any questions he opened the door wider and led me to the guest room and gave me extra clothes then walked out. Now I was alone again in the darkness it feels so odd without her here beside me. I need to text me anyways...

Finn: Hey how are you?

Amanda: We're sorry but the number you have tried to contact has changed their number or is in unavailable at this time. Please try again later. Thank you.

Hmmm... Weird maybe I should just leave her alone for now.

- PJ's POV -

Hearing Alyssa screaming at Dan I got out of the bed with a massive headache and decided to check my phone. 10 Missed Calls from "Amanderzzz <3" OH SHIT! Not realizing I grabbed my shoes and put them on as I ran outside dodging a druken Alyssa and a furious Dan. Kept running I saw the street lights guiding my path to the very cold streets. Seeing a cab drive by I almost jumped in front of it and got in telling the greasy man where to take me. Counting the minutes I needed this guy to hurry up and after what seemed a year I got to her flat. Banging on her door I heard nothing I card her but I got a weird voice message. "Hello its Amanda and well...If you need me then come over I got nothing to do anymore. Goodbye." Her voice was shooken and sad. Getting more upset I searched and found her bedroom window I creaked it open silently and creeped in. Just like the old days I snuck into her bedroom. Seeing her lay across her bed with an empty bottle of sleeping pills I screamed at her lifeless body. "WHY DIDN'T I WAKE UP WHEN SHE NEEDED ME THE MOST!" Crying I called an ambulance and held her hand as they came.

Everything turned into darkness as my tears dripped into her dead skin like lotion trying to bring her to life. The darkness started to overwhelm us as she laid in my send just like I always wanted but not like this. Then I looked down at her beautiful pale skin and moved the brunette hair out of her face. The ambulance people ran in but everything and everyone was moving slowly like they were in slow motion. Only I was moving fast and someone screamed at me but I couldn't understand them. The words were muffled and they took her away from me but very slowly. So slowly and I hear my hear breaking like shattered glass. Breaking on the inside I cried a little and then everything went to black.

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