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[Sarahs POV]

"All campers to the cafeteria for breakfast!!!" The lady said over the intercom.

I walked over to the mirror and saw that my eyes were all puffy from my hangover, I turned around to see that Lily's eyes looked the same.

"Here." I said handing lily a pair of sunglasses

"Why do we need these" she responded

"Look at your eyes"

Lily walked over to the mirror and looked, without saying anything she put the sunglasses on and laughed.
I put mine on and we started walking to the cafeteria. Once we made it to the cafeteria we grabbed some food and sat at a table.

"Hello ladies! Why do you have on sunglasses? We're indoors." A counselor named cherry asked

I knew cherry, she didn't like me very much, I was always causing trouble.

"No reason, cherry. They just look stylish" I say with a smile and wave her goodbye

Cherry rolls her eyes and walks away.

"Who's that?" Lily asks

"Cherry. We have a complicated relationship."

"What do you mean"

"Uh.. well I get her in trouble, she gets me in trouble. I pull tricks on her and she pulls them back."


We finished eating and it was time for free time before lunch. This camp was really chill I liked it. You could basically roam the camp and do whatever, except for breakfast, lunch, and dinner you had to be in the cafeteria, and every Saturday you were required to attend the campfire then outdoor movie.
I woke up to lily snoring and threw a pillow at her to wake her up.
"Huh?" She moaned groggily

"Wake up lily!"

"I don't wanna" she said in a childish voice

"Well you've gotta"

She eventually sat up from the bed and started rubbing her eyes. She was so cute when she did that.

"Come on, let's get dressed and go to breakfast" I say

I threw on a tank top crop top and some shorts, and saw lily wearing a grey shirt and some shorts.

(Sarah's outfit is on the left, Lily's outfit is on the right in the pic above)

Once we finished breakfast we walked over to a big oak tree and just chilled, telling each other funny stories from our childhoods and just random facts about ourselves.

"Fun fact I used to be a cheerleader!" Lily states

"Oh really?" I ask


"Can you do any of the tricks still?"

"Yeah almost all of them"

"Prove it" I say with a smirk

With that, lily stands up and swings her arms throwing her self into the air, doing a back tuck and landing it perfectly.

"Wow!" I say. Mouth agape

Lily giggles and then kicks herself upside down into a handstand causing her shirt to fall down revealing her red lace bra. I felt my cheeks burning and I turned away. She quickly stood up and pulled her shirt down, laughing then walking back over to sit down next to me. I turn to her.

"So do you always wear lace?" I ask with a smirk

Her cheeks instantly turn red and her eyes widen.

"Um..uh.. what are you talking about?" She asked, pretending like she didn't know that her whole top fell down I the handstand

"I'm only kidding, I just saw it when you went upside down. No biggie" I chuckle

"Oh ok" she says with a nervous giggle.
Later that day we wanted to go swimming so we changed into our swimsuits and headed to the lake.

I was wearing a plain orange bikini with a strapless top, and lily was wearing a plain blue bikini.

When we got there we walked up on the dock and looked down at the deep lake water. I laced my fingers with hers and jumped into the water pulling her with me. When we landed in the water, the pressure pushed my strapless top up, revealing my nipples. Lily saw and quickly turned around laughing and I pulled my top down.

"I'm so sorry" I say with a nervous laugh

"It's fine, they're just nipples, everyone has them." She says with a giggle before lifting her top, flashing me her nipples then pulling her top back down.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

"Lily!" I said laughing

"What it was only fair, I saw yours." Lily said biting her lip

To be continued...
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