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Bohemian Rhapsody played in my ears as I sat in the back of my Creative Arts Class, as a senior in high school- it was expected that I should be apart of some type of social extracurricular group. I should be apart of the cheerleading squad, or the president of my class, or even the president of the chess club.

But no, I was associated with no social club, I wasn't even social. Perhaps the complete opposite...antisocial.

Which wasn't completely true, seeing that I did have a few friends who I talked to on a regular basis but to be completely honest my best friend was the books.

I lived for literature, I lived read, I lived to research. Knowledge was more than just power, it was a security blanket against the ignorant.

And that's exactly what I lived for.

Today we were informed as a class that we have been reassigned a new English teacher, after having poor previous teachers and for the 3rd time this year, we were given a new one.

"Class," Ms. Evelyn, our principal, says to us. I turn down my music just a bit, so she can't hear...but just enough so I can hear Queen's harmonized falsetto.

"Here is your new English teacher for the remainder of the school year, Mr. Valente,"

And that right there was the instant ignition to a slut's vagina. A secretly in-the-closet guy's penis. And a married spouse's reason for infidelity.

Mr. Valente was exactly how his last name was spelt out. His last name was obviously foreign and seeing his actual being tied it all together.

He stood at about 6'1 and had facial hair that grew across his face, his eyes were the softest blue I had ever laid my eyes upon. He was wearing suit and tie, his hand in his pocket as his brown hair was cut back to show his face sculpture.

He was gazing around the classroom, simply pinpointing who he would have a difficulty with, who would be a teacher's pet...

Our principal leaves, letting him take a stand for himself. "Afternoon young scholars," Mr. Valente held an accent. It was a cross between british and almost italian, and yet he sounded almost American. "As your principal has informed you all that I am your professor for the remainder of the school year. I can be your favorite teacher or absolutely the most loathed human being you will ever come across. It's all about how you treat me," He spoke slowly, as if to find the correct words. I sighed and leaned back, letting him ramble on and on.

I probably knew more than he did.

"I will accommodate under certain circumstances and I will ensure that you all get the information you need to move on into the next steps of your life." He pauses, his eyes straining across us, licking his lips slowly as the class gapes at him in awe.

He moves to the paper on his desk, that one that was in view of us, "I will begin with roll call," He calls out and I turn my music completely off and keep my headphones in.

Slowly he calls out each name, not hesitating, and each boom of his deep entrancing voice, makes my body twitch.

"Marley Winter," He calls out and I lift my head up. "Present," I whisper and he turns his head to the side. Processing my face, taking me all in and it made me squirm. "Ms. Marley, please stay after class so I can give you my brief rule on electronics, in the meantime, hand me your device."

The ultimate killer to my whole impression of him, you dare take my music?

I was a female with self conscious issues and needed the comfort of music from the 80s to sooth my soul. I felt the eyes of my peers on me and I tried to keep my exterior as I rose to my feet, his hand extended as I slowly walked towards him. "We don't have all day Ms. Winter." He pursues and I pick up my speed just a little bit, not wanting to seem too disrespectful or a teachers pet already. I hand him my beloved IPhone and watch as he puts it in his front pocket.

How dare he?

Who did he think he was?

Oh teacher.

This was going to be a long year.

I had never been so happy to get out of a class-an English class my entire life, the bell rang, signaled that it was the release of my prison and the last period of the day. The class exited and I remained sitting in my seat as Mr. Valente stood in front of his desk. "Ms. Winter." He called out and I lift my head up, as I see him waving my phone back and forth for me to see. "I am highly against the use of electronics in my classroom," He states and I try not to scowl at him. "Is there a specific reason as to why?" I ask and he chuckles, his voice was tantalizing. "The usual, students that don't apply themselves and use their electronics for answers." He says with a simply shrug.

That was beyond insulting. "Mr. Valente, I can assure you that I am not like any of the those students. It's fair to say that I could easily have your job up there if I really wanted to," I say, folding my arms across my chest.

"Oh really?" Mr. Valente questions and I nod. "I'm not as simple minded as you may think. However I do believe your introduction to the class was a bit coarse."

His eyes widen as I say this, he seems almost appalled that I would say such a thing. "Coarse?" He echoes and I wince slowly, "If you want to come across as a teacher that kids can come to, you have to be a little more kind with your approach," I offer and suddenly his laugh pauses and his eyes grow dark, narrowing down on me. "Listen Ms. Winter, I have been teaching for the past 3 years and I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm not here to be a friend, I"m here to teach you all a lesson and I advise you correct your attitude or this will be a very long long year for you." Mr. Valente growls and I flinch back.

"Are you threatening me Mr. Valente?" I ask and his jaw locks. "Promising you this: I am a very serious man and I will not have some highstrung spoiled little teenager talk to me any kind of way. You have detention tomorrow for your behavior and in the meantime, I will be holding your phone." He states and slides it back into his pocket.

"You can't with hold my personal belongings." I say, trying to hold back the urge to jump forward and grab my phone from his pocket.

Mr.Valente was towering over me and held an intense glare. "By the school code I can. Have a good afternoon Ms. Winter." He growls and I stand there for a moment. "Goodbye Ms. Winter." He says more urgently, his accent beginning to grow thick. I bite the corner of my lip and nod, "Have a good day Mr. Valente." I whisper and make my way towards the door, cursing to myself.

I look from the corner of my eyes as goes through his own files, and I prayed to the Heavens he didn't go through my unlocked phones, where in my notes I had my own written literature.

Erotic Literature.


Well hello my pretties! I could not contain myself, I needed to start another book, It was driving me nuts keeping it all in and to me this is the sexiest scenario yet.

So....Mr. Valente and Marley Winter (When I have children that's what I'm going to name my daughter because I adore it so much)

Well tell me my dears....

what do you think so far?


Coming Soon

x flower outtie

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