Thirty-Four: Russian Roulette Finale Part 3

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Let's get one thing straight guys. VIOLET WAS DEAD. So your suspicion was false. I really did have her killed off because it was obvious but I decided to bring her back. So everyone still saying, "I knew it." Yall better stop before I really do kill her off and don't doubt that because you know I will. >:)

"Violet, you're alive?" Aryiana whispers with a smile but Violet doesn't take her eyes off of Zachary. There's a pause before she says anything and my father appears behind her, quickly looking around the room. "Marley. Ash." My dad beckons for my mother and I, but I say nothing yet.

"I was dead." Violet whispers. Zachary is looking at Violet as if he's seen a ghost. 

"Lila left the room once they found my body. My heart had stopped and while they transferred my body to a different morgue. In the middle of the car ride, I opened my eyes and saw that I had been all zipped up in a body bag; I screamed." Violet explains.

"You died and came back?" I echo and she nods. "Did you see it?" Aryiana blurts and Violet finally gazes over, a slow smile creeping across her face.

"Heaven?" Aryiana asks and all Violet does is smile even more.

In that moment, Zachary rushes over to Violet and grabs her arm, twisting it and yanking the gun out of her hand and throws her back. Violet yelps and scrambles back to her feet quickly, but Sage grabs her arm and pulls her closer.

"Enough of this sappy shit. I got you all where I wanted you." Zachary whispers.

"There's power in numbers Zachary. Don't you want to be like all good villians? Tell us why." I suddenly say and he grimances at me.

"Fake uncle." He simply breathes. 

"Don't blame your birth mother on me." Ian says, his face suddenly narrowing down. "I am because you two were best friends. You were my so-called 'uncle' not even birth and yet you didn't take care of me like you promised her." Zachary shouts.

"That's not where your anger is coming from." Ian whispers and I hear the click of the gun as Zach waves it back and forth, taking a good glance at us all.

"It's Marley." Ian adds.

Everyone turns to me and I raise an eyebrow? Well why me?

"I didn't want you Marley. I could never want you." Zach says, walking towards me but now he looks distraught. His eyes turn bloodshot and he begins to hypervenilate. "Then why kill me?" I ask.

"No. No. No. Not like that. I mean sexually. I want to kill you. That's all. There's a difference. Don't you know the difference? No. No. No. You took it." Zachary groans and covers his face.

"What?" I ask and he screams again, hitting his head with the butt of the gun. "You took my uncle and my father." Zachary cries out and my eyes widen over at Ian.

"Father?" I whisper and Zach laughs as tears slip out of his eyes.

"No! Not him....Your dad. My dad." Zachary states. I feel like the whole world slowed down and went mute. I could only hear heart beats and heavy breathing.

I looked at my mom and she's already staring at me. My mind went blank.

"Marley....when your mother was pregnant with you...I had an affair. With Zachary's mom. He never knew because he thought that his mothers boyfriend was his father...but.I never told you-" My dad stops and I glance back over at my mom.

"But why is Sarah dead?" I ask.

"Ask your mother." Zachary growls and my face drops again.

"So you're just jealous?" I whisper to Zach and he shakes his head frantically. "No. Bad word. Don't say it."

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