Chapter Three

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Logan is pictured above:)
Oh my god guys. Thank you so much for reading this story so far and voting on it. It means the world to me and it motivates me to continue writing. This is a longer
Chapter and is more of an insight into Dani and Logan's budding friendship. Enjoy! :)
- Jaime

Dani's POV

" Do you always stare into other peoples windows?"

I was beyond mortified but I didn't want to show it. His sly smirk was already annoying me and  he hadn't even been in my presence for more than a minute. Taking a breath, I thought of a comeback to knock the look right off his face.

" Only when they wake me up with all their loud yelling. I was merely concerned and your window happened to be open." Well not the best one but better than standing here looking like an idiot.

He continued to grin and walk alongside me, his tall stature towering over my petite one.

" Yea, okay. Next time I'll try to keep it down. You move in yesterday?"

" Yup. My family has been here for a little bit already before they came and got me yesterday. I already love it here though."

He paused slightly and looked surprised.

" You like it here?"

Now it was my turn to be surprised and I gave him a look.

" And you don't?"

" I mean, I grew up here and this is where my family is...but I don't exactly like it here. "

We had just about reached the football field where a early morning football practice was taking place. I'd never been one for football but it was interesting to see the live action practice up front.

" Well small towns aren't for everybody."  I glanced back at him.

" No, I guess not. I'm Logan by the way. I'm a senior here."

" Dani. Im a senior too. "

He smiled genuinely this time and we continued making small talk until we got to the front of the school. He led me to the Registration Office and I signed in. After getting my schedule, I was happy to see I had two classes with my new friend. We went to History first and sat next to each other. I doubted he thought of me as anything but a friend, but I couldn't help but remember the way my parents met. Although I dreamed of the high school sweetheart love story, I didn't want to fall in love with first guy I saw. Besides, Logan was my friend. He turned out to be quite intelligent too. Sarcastic but smart. He was very attractive, with his clear glasses and his eyes shining, his muscular but skinny frame and his radiant smile. Oh lord. I  am staring again. I have to play it cool. He's my friend.

" Dani? Earth to Dani?"

" Oh! Sorry! I zoned out. "

He was laughing when the bell rang  and class begun. Thank god.

Logan's POV

I was really enjoying Dani's company. She was funny and a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else around here. I didn't really associate with too many people at our school, mostly because I found them annoying and lacking in interest. It doesn't help that I didn't have the time normally for friends. I started working at the local bowling ally to make extra money to cover the things my dad couldn't pay for, like the occasional electricity bill. I've been working there for five years but they only just recently started cutting down my hours. I used to go to school, go to work, do all my homework during my breaks and then go home and make dinner for my dad and I and then go to bed. It was a lot for a young kid but I pushed through. I started remembering those days when the day bell rang signalling the end of class and brought me back from my cloudy thoughts.
" You didn't get any of that, did you? " Dani said with a small smile on her face. I must have looked confused so she gestured to the white board which was full of notes.
" Crap! I must have been day dreaming or something. " I scrambled to grab the nearest paper and pen while she laughed.

" It's okay Logan! I have the notes, so you can copy them from me. "

"Oh okay. Thanks. " I mumbled. I was embarrassed. I'd been trying
to impress her and so far she must think I'm an idiot. We walked out
of the classroom and headed to her locker. After she struggled to open it the first few times, she finally got her stuff in.
" What class do you have right now?"
" I have calculus. You?" Her face fell and she groaned.
" Ugh. I have P.E and was hoping you'd be in it with me." I smiled while she grabbed her workout clothes.
" That would have been nice but I have it this afternoon." She nodded just as the second bell rang throughout the school. She slammed her locker shut and started walking away.
" I have to go but I'll see you later."
" Yup! Have fun" I said laughing. She turned and gave me the finger before turning around the corner. She was something else. I turned around to head to calculus when I bumped into someone. It turned out to be Anna Polects. Her and I had been going to school for years and she is one of the only people to be nice to me.
"Oh sorry!" I said while quickly helping collect the bag she'd dropped. Her brown hair is flinging around as she frantically picks up herself things.
" No need to be sorry. That was all me and my clumsiness. I'm late for class but thanks for the help. Bye Logan! "
I waved and yelled a goodbye as she sprinted down the hall.  I turn and head into my class, with a small smile on my face thinking about a certain blonde.

Dani's POV

" That was long and unnecessary."
I flipped down next to Logan by a tree outside. He looks up with a slight scowl but brightens when he realizes it's me.
" I'm assuming you didn't like chemistry." I have him a look and then searched through my bag for my something to eat as he chuckled.
" I didn't enjoy it at all. Mr Krohn treats everyone like they're stupid before he even talks to them. And he picks favourites! " At this point he's full on laughing at my anger.
" He always picks favourites. I'm guessing you're not one of them? "
His beaming smile momentarily made me lose my thought.
" Umm ya. I mean, well ya." I stuttered through and internally facepalmed.
" Sounds like you had a good day."
" I did but I just don't like him."
Logan grinned and asked about my P. E class, probably just trying to change the subject before I get more upset.
" It was pretty good actually. I met two girls who were actually nice to me. Jenny Lang and Anna Polects, I think that was their names. We played badminton today and it was really fun. " He had seemed to recognize the names and nodded along.
" Ya I know them. Anna is nice but
Jenny is a little too over dramatic for me. I'm glad you made friends though. More than I'll ever make here. " He said laughing.
We got up and started heading home while continued to tease me. It was a fun walk but we had to say goodbye as he had work and I had to homework to do. We parted and he went into his house, slightly pausing before unlocking it. 
I hopped up the stairs and flipped down onto my bed and sighed knowing I had three hours of chemistry and english to do.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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