Chapter 3

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Adaline's Pov:

I stare at the tattoos he had trailing up both arms and the piercings on his face starting to become intimidated as his eyes squinted at my slight change in demeanor. I take a step back in caution as his stance straightened from leaning on the locker one down from mine. his lips bent down into a quick frown until he placed them into a thin line when his face hardens.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?"

I jump slightly as his deep, slow, raspy voice cuts the silence with his question. I shiver as his accented voice hits my ears, his British accent making my mind go to mush. My mouth goes dry and my voice gets caught in my throat as I go to answer.


"Aye Harry. Mate what the fuck are you doing. Get over here!" One of Harry's friends calls to him cutting me off. He had tan skin and light brown eyes and a close to mohawk styled dark hair. The guy was tall but not as tall as harry's looming figure and he had a nose ring and tattoos all over himself like harry. I think his name was Zayn?

Harry stares at me a bit longer examining my features again, before turning around to answer his friend. Using this as a moment to escape I turn away from the boy clad in all black and scurry down the hall. Taking a look behind me I notice harry still talking to his friend not aware of my absence, letting out a breath I round a corner and out of his potential eyesight.

His earlier question rolling around in my head like a huge bolder. "Don't I know you from somewhere?"

If not for the fact I've excepted my extremely low radar fate I would've been offended by the question, if not that at least a little miffed. For the past four years we've had most of all our classes together but that's power of being invisible. You can have a class with someone for 4 years and they'd have no idea who you were. Especially someone on the highest level of the food chain. But then that brings forth my next question... Why was he talking to me now? Or at least why did he now? If anything I know that was the first and last time he'd probably talk to me, he more than likely thinks I'm a complete weirdo for sneaking off like that.

Not that I completely mind, with harry follows drama and so forth, And I have no time for that. Well that and the fact that he scared the shit out of me. I mean what's the point of all of his piercings and tattoos? What type of job could he even get having those? Not that he's even worried about it in the first place. If anything he's probably planning out his next conquest, the next girl he'll screw and leave. Having the girls wishing they never existed because they know they mean absolutely nothing to him, Pig.
I blink rapidly as I realize I made it to class ten minutes early due to being lost in my thoughts. Passively entering the open door to English I whisper a quick hi to my teacher who doesn't even acknowledge my existence, simply choosing to quickly nod not looking up from his book. Walking all the way to the back corner I take my respective seat in the last desk alone. The best place you can sit to not be noticed.

Most would believe the back is where the popular sat to do whatever the hell they wanted and not be caught. I've come to know that as false. During my four years here I have learned and studied how the school's student body works and the best way to be kept out of anyone's interest.

For instants in the classroom I sit in now would be split into levels of four using the 30-35 desk. The very front of course would be your typical nerds, the ones eager to learn something new and had a never ending thirst for knowledge. The second which takes up all the middle rows are the popular. Better known as the attention seekers, who disrupt class and do stupid shit to just be called out by the teacher on purpose as if they didn't hear their names enough around school halls.

Those people include Harry and his other four friends who always had the most popular and slutty girls hanging off their arms in rotation except for two who's names I don't know and don't care to ever know. The second to last row sat the bystander people. The ones who aren't popular but yet are still known about and who don't cause drama but do seem to get all in it loving the free entertainment.

Then there's my row, the off the radar people. We're the people who want no part of the joke that is high school life. All we've ever cared about is getting our education and leaving unscathed by those who deem themselves royalty.

Sighing out I plop my books onto my desk getting things in order seeing as I had nothing else to do with my time. Hearing a buzzing on my desk I start searching for my usually silent phone under all my things. Finding it under my binder I open it quickly as my teacher glares at me for interrupting his quiet time.


Hey addy, I'm sorry but I just found out practice is going to be longer today. Coach wants us to be absolutely perfect for this season. I know you're thinking you can wait out practice but right after I promised the girls to go to a party for the beginning of the school year. I would invite you but with your situation, I know it's impossible, plus parties aren't your thing. okay, thanks for understanding luv you.

Groaning out in annoyance I lock and place my phone back down without responding. I wasn't annoyed with the fact I didn't have a ride home anymore I mean I was only a 20-minute walk away from home. I was annoyed at the fact that she assumes I don't want to do something, even though, she's not completely wrong. I'm not a person big on parties or even just the thought of attending them especially on a weekday. I mean what dumbass has a party on a Monday? Regardless maybe I had a change of heart and decided I wanted to go to one for my last year at school just to experience one? Didn't help with the fact she made my mom seem like a "situation" which again she isn't wrong.

Sighing I mentally smack myself as I again realize how I should start driving myself to school seeing as how Taylor's schedule always changes depending on her 'friends' making her not as dependable.

Looking toward the door I notice how students start milling into class one after the other, looking just as tired as the next. With class about to begin soon, I make sure my phone is on silent mode so Taylor doesn't cause me attention when she blows up my phone with bullshit apologies. Getting ready for class the teacher finally puts his book down walking to the board to put today's lesson. All the students collectively start chatting with neighbors about god knows what, Filling the room with noise.

That is before the tardy bell rings and in walks the party of tattoos and piercings coming in just as it rings. I keep my head down aimlessly writing on my paper as I avoid any and all contact with them, most importantly with harry. But burning curiosity wins overall and I finally look up and meet eyes with an already staring Harry.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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