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I walked into the Quad and smiled. I had just gotten my acceptance letter from SCU (Starling City University) and I was really excited to show Barry. Ever since he told Iris about me, they have been hanging out a lot. I walk in and found Caitlin, Cisco, and Dr. Wells talking. I walked over and knew something was wrong. I got in my suit and rushed outside. I ran around the entire city and found Barry in an alleyway.

I walked in and found him talking to a woman with red hair. I rushed up to her and stood in front of her looking her up and down. Barry quickly moved me out of the way and was back talking to her. She touched his symbol and it started to have a purple glow. It reminded me of my mom, she used to tell a story about a woman who would come and give us a protection. The protection came in a purple glow.

Barry rushed off and I stood there deciding if I should take her into the police or Dr.Wells. She's obviously a meta. I rushed in and she held her arm out to me. I picked her up and ran her to a warehouse.

"Who are you?" I vibrated my voice.

"Never mind that. Who are you?" She asked me.

"Never mind that. Now you will do as I say or you will regret not." I threatened. "Pick up that canister and throw it past me."

She picked it up and it immediately started to turn purple. She threw it past my head and it blew up.

"Woah."I said. "I'm going to leave. You can either stay here or come with me. If you come with me, we can help you. If you stay here, only I will know your here."

"Take me with you." She said tearing up.

I picked her up and ran to STAR Labs. I put her down and ran away. Barry was there and looked at my purple streak. I came back in my normal clothes and acted like I didn't know what happened.

"Hey Barry. Who's this?" I smirked.

"I don't know. Who are you?" Barry asked confused.

"Never mind that." I held in my laugh.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "You are the really fast purple streak."

"Can't say." I smirked.

"Barry you met her." Cisco asked.

"She blew up my suit with just the touch of her hand." Barry answered.

"Well, usually I'd be mad, but for a pretty face like that. No way am I mad." Cisco smiled.

"Cisco! Gross!" I punched his arm.

"What happened?"

"I was in battle and I was by a nuclear bomb and when the particle accelerator wen tiff I was stuck in the middle of the blast of the bomb. When I touch things they blow up." She sighed.

We went outside and I grabbed the picnic toys fro the basement. There was balls and frisbees. She took one of each and threw them. Cisco and Barry calculated her skills while I threw some to her to throw back and blow up. It was amazing. She reminded me of my mom. Kind, independent, strong, smart, and all around beautiful. No wonder Cisco liked her. I rolled my eyes at the thought and ran up to Barry. At that point, Caitlin had come out and was looking for me.

She started whispering to me from a good twenty feet. I could hear it loud and clear.

"Blake, her name is Bette Sans Souci. She used to work for General Wade Eiling which is on her case looking for her according to Joe. Her story checks out. However she was in Iraq for a little bit and the night the accelerator exploded she was testing bombs in a lab after she had just gotten back from Iraq. She's a solider." She whispered.

I gave her a thumbs up and walked over to Barry.

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