Close your Eyes

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Later that night:

"Goodnight Blake. I love you. Get some sleep." Barry said, turning out the light and closing the door.

"Night Dad!" I yelled as he walked to his room.

I grabbed my phone and immediately started to watch movies. I never wanted to go back to that terrible world. I don't even know how I saw that. It did, however, make me realize that if I don't want to go there again, I should never close my eyes.

After 6 movies and binge watching Futurama, I saw the light from the early sun rise up. I got up from my bed and started up the coffee machine. I needed all the coffee I could get my hands on. I eventually heard Barry running around his room. I sat down on the couch and sipped my coffee.

"Coffee?" He asked. "You don't usually drink coffee."

"I couldn't get enough sleep. I fell off the bed several times." I lied.

"Ok. Well what time is your first class?" He asked.

"Not for another 2 hours or so. I was thinking I'd come with you to the Station. Sound cool?" I asked.

"Yeah. We gotta go though. Joe called in saying that there's a shooting on 32nd and Federal." He smiled.

32nd. The name of the street in the dream or vision. I instantly declined.

"You know. I think I'm just gonna go to school and see if any of my teachers need my help." I said leaving my coffee on the counter.

"Okay then. Well I'm stealing your coffee. Bye Blake. Love ya." He smiled, closing the door behind him, drinking my coffee.

I went to my room to get ready. Going to that street will make me want to close my eyes to not look at it. I quickly got ready and left. Once I got to school, I saw him. There was the one person in the world who had the closest clue to who I am.

Colt Buck.

He, besides Hudson, has been my best friend. He smuggled me into his house at night sometimes. He held my hand when we went to visit our friends. He drove me around the whole city. He brought me on his adventures. He made me feel safe. I honestly didn't care about any of my teachers. I came to be with him.

"Colt!" I yelled.

"Blake!" He yelled back.

I ran to him and he picked me up in a giant hug. When he put me down, I saw Hudson walk past. I think it looked like Colt and I were a thing. I wanted to run after him, but I hadn't heard from Hudson since the run in at the cemetery. I felt like he didn't want to be there for me anymore. That was fine, I had Colt and Barry. That's all I needed.

"How are you holding up?" He asked.

"I'm good. I actually wanted to tell you about something. You can't tell anyone though." I sighed.

"Closet?" He asked.

"Closet." I nodded.

We stepped in the janitors closet and sat down on the buckets we had set up.

"Barry gave me an Everything party. When the cake was brought out I closed my eyes and was about to wish for what I already had, when my mind brought me somewhere else. I thought that Iris was taken and killed in Barry's arms on 32nd street. I heard my mom tell me to open my eyes and let go of her. She thinks I am holding onto her when i should just let go." I gave a sigh of relief. His face was confused. "I know I sound crazy."

"Crazy makes you the person I like. It's what I love most about you." He smiled at me, placing his hand on my knee.

"Well, you're sense of humor is what I love most about you." I smiled back. "Should I tell Barry or go see the counselor?"

"Close your eyes." He said.

"No. I'm scared I'll go back there." I said scared.

"Trust me. I'll tell you to open your eyes if I think it's getting dangerous." He said. "Close your eyes."

I looked him dead in the eye. I really didn't want to, but I trusted him so much. I slowly closed my eyes.

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