Visit Henry

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"Sorry. I didn't mean to." I bowed my head.

He just stood there. I sighed. I walked out. I needed some fresh air.

Barry's Point of View:

She called me dad. She called me Dad! Not on a prank. Not when she was fainting. She really called me dad. I was shell shocked. She called me dad! She bowed her head and walked off. I wanted to run after her, but I felt like I was stuck to the floor.

"Barry?" Caitlin asked.

"Yah." I said staring at the door.

"Barry." Joe said.

"Yah." I said turning around.

"Dude! Go after her!" Cisco yelled.

"She called me dad." I said still not moving.

"Yah." Joe said.

"I got to go." I said running out.

I ran to Iron Heights and asked to see Henry Allen.

"Hey Slugger!" He smiled.

"Hey Dad! I have big news!" I smiled back.

"What is it?" He asked.

"First off, I found out I have a daughter. It's Kate Flynn's kid. Then I adopted her. Then I thought she did but it was just a prank. And today she called me dad." I talked fast.

"Barry. Slow down. You have a kid. What's her name?" He sat back.

I then told her the whole story since I last talked to him. He laughed at some parts. Cried at others.

"Then today she called me dad." I finished.

"Wow that's big." He smiled at me.

" I'll bring her by sometime. I bet she would love to meet you. Put her name on your list. I promise she'll love you."

"My time is up Barr. Definitely bring her down here. I'll put her on my list. Bye Slugger!" He said standing up.

"Bye dad!" I hung up the phone.

I absolutely love seeing my dad. I really need to bring Blake to see him. Oh crap. I forgot she is upset right now. I ran around the whole city until I found her at the gravesite again.

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