20: Snow

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Two days had past, and I knew today was the last day of E3. Within three short days it was suprizing what people had discovered, I would collect everything I could after Link would glitch back to a starting point and everything would respawn.

By now my camp was overloaded with wood, flint, mushrooms, a few korok seeds, apples, weapons and more.

I had also found a better set of pants.

But today there was one player who was going somewhere very few people have gone, usually if they did I wouldn't follow, but today was the last day so I decided to make an exception.

The player made food, I watched the recipe, hot peppers and meat.

Once he left, Going towards the snowy area of the plateau, I quickly rushed to make the same dish and then ate it.

It felt as though my mouth was on fire, the searing pain and heat went from my mouth to the rest of me.

Guess the food worked in a very strange way...

I walked into the snow, the cold instantly hitting me, but the food seemed to keep my skin hot thankfully.

I watched as Link kept repeatidly drowning while trying to walk on a log in the freezing water. He kept respawning. I could see the person playing looking agrivated as he tried again and poor Link ended up falling into the water AGAIN.

The player seemed to lack patience as he turned Link around, I hid as quickly as possible by finding a strange large leaf and using it to hide behind, he ran past my hidding spot and back towards the temple of time.

I glanced towards the log and wondered... Could I?

Deciding to try I left my hidding spot and walked to the log, seeing my breath because it was so cold. I placed a hesistant foot on the log, when it didn't sink I stepped unto it completely, holding my breath in anticipation and fear.

When it didn't turn underneath me I began to walk across it, Reaching the end I noticed the jump to a large rock sticking out of the water was fairly large.

"I can do it" I inhaled deeply "I-uhhhh~ yes I can!..."

Bending my legs I prepared.

And with another large gasp for air I jumped out, reaching ahead.

My chest smacked into the rock, my hands grasping it for dear life.

"Crap crap crap!" I cursed as I felt my feet, ankles and calves start to freeze, they where in the cold water.

"Gahhh" I pulled myself up unto the rock, gasping for air in shock, I looked down at my soaked feet.

I could already feel my body start to shiver. Standing up and hugging myself for heat I walked unto the dock.

I reached the end and stepped unto the wooden boat. Looking around at the scenery.

The air was damp and cold, my lungs stung with every breath, but I stared in awe at the moutains covered in snow. It was a glorious view, the sound of the river and wind helped distract me from the coldness creeping up from my feet to the rest of my body.

There seemed to be no paddle, Luckily I had figured out how to handle the boat before I came out here.

Grabing the korok leaf from off my back I grasped it and prayed that this IS what I needed to do.

I slashed the leaf through the air and sent a gust of air into the sail.

Sure enough the boat moved forwards, cranking my arm back again I sent another gust of wind and the boat left the safety of the dock and started to float downwards with the flow of the river.

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