23: Alone

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Trigger warning: everyone reading remember to stay happy! ❤︎   

In the morning I woke up alone. Stretching and rubbing the tiredness from my eyes I sat up, the air felt warm agains't my skin.

Looking around I sighed, the fire was just a pile of ashes now and foot prints in the snow dissapeared down the mountain.

I couldn't blame Link for leaving me here, last night something in me had snapped. One moment I was fine and the next I was yelling at Link.

I regretted it all the moment it happened, but it was weird, I couldn't stop myself.

I was scared.

And I put that fears fire on him... Spitting my flames like a angered dragon with no logic.

My chest hurt, never before had I wanted to leave this game, but now I wanted to.

I felt abandoned.

I sat there despising the view.

Hating everything and everyone.

The need to leave this place was like a drug, it made me dizzy and addicted to the need to just run and run and find a way out.

I was hypperventilating.

That kiss.. all this hurt was because of it in some cruel sense.

All of this was also because of me, and I wasn't acting like myself. Instead I felt deranged and controlled by my weakness'.

Standing up with a deep frown on my lips I looked down, down... Down.

A tear ran down my explessionless face. I wasn't in control of myself anymore as I thought the words,

I'm leaving this game. Might as well be sooner rather than later.

And it doesn't matter how I leave.

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