Part 6

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You sit for a while, adjusting to well, everything. Your sense of smell has adapted for the most part, but you can't really tell if your other senses have adapted as well. I mean, it is rather difficult to figure out your hearing had adjusted in a dead silent hallway. Sighing, you shrug your backpack off your shoulders. You find the zipper, and upon opening your backpack you are met with an assortment of smells.

All at once there's the smell of blue juicy drop pops, tangerines, cherries, lemons, and blue raspberries. It hits you like a fruit punch, not only in a metaphorical sense, but in a literal one two. You pause for a moment, taking in the strong scents. These smells were of your glasses cases. They were color coded to make it easier for you to find the pair you were looking for, or in this case, smelling for. You remove each case individually, smelling them. In the end you are left with two cases that smell of juicy drop pops.

Opening each case and putting the others back in the bag, you feel the rims of the glasses. Both glasses smell like cherries, and you know that both sets of glasses are a bright red color.  One is more sharp and angled to a point, while the other is more rectangular. You put the rectangular glasses back in their case, setting them back in your backpack as you prop the other pair across your nose. You re-zip your backpack, tucking the case into the side pocket.

It's rather boring, sitting in the hallway, and you start to hope that maybe someone will find you. Sure, you might get detention for supposedly skipping class, but anything would be better than sitting here. You contemplate moving for a solid minute or two when you hear something. You can immediately tell that yes, your hearing has been heightened, because the sound is rather distant. It's the sound of footsteps, along with a door closing.

Next, you smell the person, but it's rather difficult considering the whole damn place smells like blueberries. They smell like blue cotton candy and lemon heads, along with a tinge of green apple. Their footsteps get louder as they approach, and you grip your cane, smirking. It may seem like a douche move, but right now you would do anything. The second the person is in front of you, you thrust out the cane, effectively causing them to trip.

"Hey! What was that for?" They ask. Their voice sounds a bit feminine, and you can tell they're looking at you. You can smell their confusion clearer than any other scent around you, and it smells like mystery flavor air heads. Your smirk turns to a smile.

"Can you help me find my class? I got lost." You ask, clearing your voice midway through as it sounds too much like a cackle of some sort. You can feel the person start to get up, here their feet moving to stand.

"Dude, find it yourself." They say. Before they can get three feet away, you respond, smile returning to a smirk.

"Wow, rude," You respond, cackling at the end. You hear them pause, and you continue. "I'm blind, dummy." They immediately come back towards you.

"Oh, sorry man. My name's Adventure Time, but I go by A.T." They say. You nod.

"I'm Homestuck, pronouns are he-him." You respond, and you hear them gasp softly.

"You're the new kid! Glob, we thought you were absent." They gasp, smiling. "My pronouns are she-her, by the way." She adds, and you nod once again. "C'mon, I'll get you to class." She offers, extending her hand. You gather your backpack and cane, allowing yourself to use her hand to lift you up. You walk to class, and while you're walking she asks you why you don't have an escort to help you get to class.

"Well, I'm actually not totally blind. Some douche bag got shit in my eyes, and I can't see. But I adapt pretty well, so I can smell really well. Also, sorry for the guilt trip earlier. Literally," You explain, and you can hear her nod next to you, if the rustle of fabric is anything to judge by. She laughs, and you find yourself liking her. She seems to be a go-with-the-flow sort of person, not to mention rather cheerful. Your shoulders brush against hers so that you can follow her, and you stop when she does.

She takes a step forward, and you hear the sound of a door opening. "Mr. Audio, I found the new kid!" A.T exclaims, grabbing your shoulder and pulling you inside the classroom. The classroom feels somewhat unwelcoming and cold; it's near silent. You inhale, trying to get a feel for where you are. There's the unmistakable smell of pop rocks, yet the odd smell of the hardware isle at a department store. There's a few students that smell of cherry red, some of cologne, a few that smell like worn denim, and the entire room smells like lavender.

In the back there's a smell that you can't quite seem to focus on enough to identify, and you hear the teacher speak somewhere to your left. "Adventure Time, sit down, now." Mr. Audio says, and his voice is stern and unforgiving. A.T doesn't even protest, and you can smell her as she walks over to her seat while you stand there awkwardly. You shift your weight, slouching ever so slightly. "Homestuck, I believe?" He asks.

You continue to face forward. "Yes," You answer. You hear him hum skeptically, and ironically it is now that you start to feel nervous.

"Care to explain why you were nearly twenty minutes late?" He asks accusingly, raising a few snickers from the class. You think over your next move- it's a risk and you know it. Deciding to take the risk - all the irons in the fire - you answer, turning your head sharply to face him. Your hand reaches for your glasses, and you feel them slide down the bridge of your nose ever so slightly.

"I'm blind." You answer, and that's when the snickers stop. Checkmate, you think. The room is dead silent, and you have to restrain a smirk. The teacher clears his throat, slightly embarrassed. Serves him the fuck right.

"Ah, well, I suppose I can excuse you for your first day. Take the seat next to Sherlock." He instructs, quickly trying to change the subject. You smirk to yourself. Definitely check mate. The class grows quiet again and you look back at the students in front of you. You quirk an eyebrow, looking back at the teacher.

"Right," You say, stretching out the i. You turn your head back to the rows of students, deciding to play your move subtly. "I'll just...see myself over there." You murmur, a slight smile tugging at your lips. The class starts laughing, and you can smell A.T stand and come towards you, the smell of blue cotton candy getting stronger as she makes her way to you. She grabs your shoulder and guides you to the back row. There's almost nobody sitting back here, except for one student who you suppose is Sherlock.

A.T seats you down and you nod a thanks to her, shrugging your backpack off your shoulder and setting your cane on the floor. It's then that you notice a rather chilling presence, something cold, analytical, and curious. You inhale. Next to you is the smell of Earl Grey tea and blueberry muffins, like some sort of tea party. That combined with the rather off-putting presence makes you think of a haunted tea party, but that seems a bit ridiculous. The sense is familiar, and all at once you remember the student from outside the school this morning.

Apparently, you and that student have the same second period, and happen to sit next to each other. Of fucking course.

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