Episode 1 "Not With Me"

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The sun was rising, the city was in ruins, the dead, were taking over. The largest of buildings were in flames. The only chance anyone had of surviving was to be on the outskirts of town. Robby, Saran, and Jennifer were closest to the now destroyed hospital. The collapse created a giant wave of dust to fill the surrounding area almost completely. The cloud of dust made its way to Robby and the others. Preventing them from seeing anything outside.

"The bombs will, bring in more of the dead then what there already are, we have to leave" says Robby. Saran looked up at him, crying. Jennifer had died, and they covered her body with a curtain.
"Robby, what's the point, our home, our friends, everything is gone, and we can't see a goddamn thing out there" cries Saran.
"No, no, Saran, please, don't do this to me now, please, stay strong for me" says Robby.

Saran looked away, then at Jennifer's body. Her hand was moving back and forth. Robby looked at her, than Saran.
"You didn't" he asked.
"I couldn't" mumbles Saran. Robby walked over to her, and handed her his knife.
"You can, you have to, you have been determined up till now, and now, you can't let that go" says Robby.

Saran took the knife and looked at him. She nodded and walked over to Jennifer's body. She thought back to the hospital.

"Saran, two days ago I was planning my wedding, now my boyfriend is dead, I never shot a gun before yesterday" says Jennifer.
Saran just shook her head.
"I'm, so sorry" cries Saran as she stabs Jennifer in the head.

Robby walked over and handed Saran a handkerchief. Saran took it and stood up. She tied it around her face, covering her nose and mouth. Robby gave her a pair of goggles he found and put his on as well. They both reloaded their guns, and got out their knives.

"Stay close to me, cover my back, well walk right out of this" says Robby as he opens the door. Dust rushes into the room as they head out. They couldn't see anything, outlines of close buildings and houses, a few cars. They quickly made their way out of the town, only killing a few eaters. A few minutes later, they made it out of the dust, and into the clear.

The pull down the handkerchiefs and breath in the fresh air. They looked back seeing a blue morning sky where the hospital used to be. Saran turned and saw the city in flames behind her. She looked at Robby. A tear rolled down her cheek. Robby walked up and hugged her as she cried in shock, and fear of the future.

At the same time.... Antonio sat in the room with Jake. Watching the city burn in the far distance. He looked down at his bracelet Saran made for him.
"Please be okay" he said to himself.
"What's happening, out there" mumbles Jake as he slowly regains consciousness. Antonio smiled as he went to help him.
"Thank God, you're alive, okay" says Antonio. Jake looks at him for a minute.
"Where are we, what happened" asks Jake.

"Hey, calm down, Jake you got shot, but I got you here, stitched you up, its been a few hours but, you're okay" says Antonio. Jake takes it all in.
"Everyone else" he asks.
"I'm, not sure, but, they should be alright" says Antonio, thinking about the scream he heard.
"My, face, what, I got shot, my eye is killing me" says Jake. Antonio remains silent.
"What is it, what happened, let me see" demands Jake.

Antonio looked at him for a few seconds.
"Okay, but, I want you to, remain calm" says Antonio as he goes to the bathroom. He breaks the mirror, and brings a shard in for Jake.
"I want to let you know, that it's okay, what you're about to see, it's okay" says Antonio. He hands Jake the mirror shard and starts to unwrap his wound.

Antonio takes off the patch, revealing to Jake his horrible looking wound, and his missing eye. Jake's eyes widened, and he threw the mirror shard.
"Patch it, cover it back, please" says Jake as Antonio starts to rewrap.
"You're still alive Jake" says Antonio. Jake doesn't respond.

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