Episode 7 "With Friends Like These..."

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That night, everyone sat in their house, all gathered at the dinning room table. Laurie sat beside Britney, Saran beside Antonio. Robby beside Jake. Zack beside Gage and Paula.
"Well, we all made it, were all, still here" says Saran.
"Not, all of us" says Robby.
"Jennifer, will be missed, she saved me, and, died in the process" says Saran.

Avery and Peyton then came down stairs.
"We're not, interrupting are we" asks Avery.
"No, grab a chair" says Jake as they join them.
"We didn't really get a chance to meet earlier, I'm Robby" he says.
"Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Avery, this is Peyton" he says as he shakes Robby's hand.
"This is, Saran, Jake, Laurie, Gage, and Antonio" says Robby.
"Nice to meet you people" says Peyton.

"Anyways, I'm glad you all made it here, I'm gonna get some rest" says Gage as he and Paula get up.
"Gage" says Britney.
"Yeah" he says.
"Thank you, for helping Laurie" says Britney.
"I think she helped me" says Gage as he and Paula exit the house.
"Wellz I know that, we all had to do, bad things, to get here, but, this is our second chance, let's make it work" says Britney. Robby and Saran held hands across the table.
"Oh, seems they already have" says Laurie.

Antonio looked at Saran, and smiled.
"Yeah, this, happened" laughs Robby. Britney then looked at Zack.
"Zack, you okay, you haven't said much" says Britney. He looked at her, then Jake.
"I'm so sorry, Jake, I didn't mean to" says Zack as he tears up.
"Zack, it's okay, I'm still here's Landon isn't it's okay" says Jake.

"Who is Landon, or, was" asks Peyton. Laurie and Britney look at each other.
"Just, a bad person" says Laurie.
"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to.." says Peyton.
"No it's okay, he's gone now" says Laurie. There was a moment of silence before Antonio spoke.
"What do you take of Gretchen" he asks.

"I think she is an egotistical bitch" says Laurie. Everyone looks at her in shock.
"I'll have to agree with you" says Jake.
"Guys, you just met her" says Saran.
"I don't like her either" says Avery.
"She let us in, let us keep our weapons, very generous" says Britney.
"That's true, and I appreciate it all, but I don't trust her. She kept asking about that helicopter crash, the money, she has something she's hiding" says Laurie.
"That may be true, and it may not, the point is, were here, together, and we're gonna make this work, now, let's get some sleep" says Britney as they all head off to bed.

One month later...

Britney was organizing weapons in the armory, cleaning them, reloading, etc. Robby was helping Dr. Himes with medical situations, tending to patients, just like at the hospital. Gage, Zack, and Paula were in the gardens, planting crops, harvesting, bringing it the pantry. Avery handled most of the food, alongside Samantha, a young girl who had made it to Wilmington last week. Antonio was in charge of the west gate, with Hayden. Jake in charge of the north.

Peyton was a local guard of Wilmington. Constantly checking the perimeter and access points. Laurie, Saran, and Mia were about to head out for a supply run.
"Are you sure about this" asks Britney.
"Mom, I'll be okay, I have Saran if things go bad" she says.
"Alrighty be careful, I love you" says Britney as they hug. Laurie meets Mia and Saran at the west gate.

Hayden opened the gate, and readied his gun.
"You ready, Hayden's gonna tag along" says Mia.
"Yeah, I'm ready" says Laurie.
"Gretchen said she wants us back before the sun goes down so let's go" says Mia as they exit Wilmington. Saran and Laurie stop a minute and take in the scenery. This is the first time they've been outside since they got here.

"You coming" asks Mia as they snap back to reality.
"We're not going that far, just a little drugstore we skipped over" says Mia.
"This is my first time out in a while too, you're not alone" says Hayden.
"Why did you want to come exactly" asked Saran.
"Been a while, don't want to get to comfortable" says Hayden.
"Smart" says Laurie.

They cut through the woods, and start on a path for the drug store. There was a few eaters wondering around but otherwise no big deal.
"You guys sure you're up for this, this is your first time out in a month" says Mia.
"We can do it, this ain't our first time scavenging" says Saran.
"Okay then" says Mia as they approach the store.

"Get what you can, anything is helpful" says Mia as she taps on the door and listens for the dead. She then opens the door and heads in, killing the first eater she sees. Everyone scatters, and starts grabbing everything they see. Saran went to the back room, and opened the door to behind the desk, setting off the security alarm.
"What the hell" says Mia as she walks over to the alarm.

"Power may be out, but this is wireless" says Mia as she disables it.
"Better hurry, probably drew attention" says Laurie as she fills a basket. Hayden goes to the door to check their area before an eater barges in, biting him on the shoulder.
"AAAGH" screams Hayden as he shoves the eater off.
"NO" shouts Mia as she rushed over and kills the eater.

More eaters started to approach, a few coming in the store. Hayden looked at Mia in shock. Laurie then came up and stabbed one eater coming in.
"Shit shit Hayden, shit" says Mia as she covers the bite.
"Just, keep getting meds, get whatever is left" says Hayden as he aims out the door, and starts shooting the dead. Saran and Laurie look at each other. Mia looks at Hayden, then Saran.

"Go" says Hayden as Mia finishes collecting medications. By the time they finished, eaters were surrounding the drug store.
"No, no, no, this can't be happening" says Laurie as she holds her head. Mia goes to the back Window, seeing that is was fairly clear.
"Come on, back here" says Mia as she opens the window.

She crawls out and grabs her bag of meds. Saran and Laurie hand her their bags, and Laurie crawls out.
"Hayden, come on" says Saran as she crawls out the window. Hayden was now out of ammo, and hitting eaters with his gun as they stumbled in.
"Hayden" shouts Mia.

Hayden ran to the back of the store, and handed Mia his gun through the window. He then started to crawl through but was grabbed by eaters.
"AAGH GOD" shouts Hayden as the dead began to sink their teeth into him.
"HAYDEN" screams Mia as she holds onto him with all she has. Saran and Laurie grab a hold of him as well, trying to pull him out.
"AAGH GOD, AAG, HELP ME...AAGH" screams Hayden as he is pulled back inside the store, and devoured. Laurie backed up in shock as Hayden's screams soon come to a stop, and all that's left is the chewing of his flesh.

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