Episode 8 "Flip A Coin"

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Britney stood over a crate of guns in the armory, humming to herself. She picked up a gun, reloading it, looked down the sights, and laid in on a table. She did this over and over again until she comes upon Saran's pink, sawn off shotgun. Britney examined it, wondering why she left it in here. She reloaded it and walked out of the armory to give it to Antonio.

Only she came out to see Avery and Gretchen tending to a very bloody, and exhausted group of people. As she got closer she noticed it was Mia, Saran, and Laurie. Britney quickly rushed over to the situation. Mia was crying, Saran and Laurie was looking down, in shock.
"Laurie, what happened, are you okay" asks Britney as she hands Saran the gun.

Laurie looked at her, not saying anything.
"Hayden, he" says Saran as she wipes a tear from her cheek. Gretchen looked away shaking her head.
"Oh God, are you guys okay" asks Britney. Mia nods, and hands Britney her bag of meds.
"This is your fault" says Gretchen to Laurie and Saran.

Britney looked at her in shock, followed by Saran and Laurie.
"Excuse me" says Saran.
"We haven't had any accidents in weeks, first supply run I send you on, Hayden, dies" says Gretchen.
"Gretchen it wasn't their fault" says Mia.
"Shit up Mia" shouts Gretchen.
"Don't talk to her like that" says Laurie.

Antonio climbed down and joined the situation.
"What's going on" he asked.
"Your friends got Hayden killed" says Gretchen.
"It wasn't our fault, he got bit, and bought us time to get all of this" says Saran as she tosses her bag down.
"Oh, so you just let it happen, didn't even try to save him" says Gretchen.

"He was pulled through the window" says Mia.
"Mia I said shut up" shouts Gretchen as Laurie slaps her. Everyone went silent as Gretchen slowly looked back at her.
"I said, don't talk to her like that" says Laurie as Gretchen grabs her gun. Laurie does the same and they both stand with their guns at each other's heads.

"WOAH STOP" shouts Antonio as he gets between them. Gage, Paula and Zack rushed over at this time.
"Laurie put your gun down" shouts Britney.
"Gretchen, drop the gun" says Mia.
"What's wrong with you, ever since these people got here, everything is going wrong, now Hayden is dead" says Gretchen.

"What" mumbles Paula.
"You people should just go" says Gretchen.
"We're not leaving" says Laurie.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you run this place, shall we flip a coin to decide what happens" asks Gretchen.
"Gretchen stop it" shouts Paula.

Gretchen looks at Laurie, and lowers her gun.
"Just to remind you, I chose to come here, help establish this place, for all you, you people will straighten up, or you will leave" says Gretchen as she walks away. Laurie holsters her gun, and shakes her head.
"Laurie you shouldn't have done that" says Britney.
"Mom, it's bullshit, ever since we got here. Gretchen has been making faces, talking behind our backs, she hates us" says Laurie.

"She does not hate us" says Britney as she looks away.
"No, she doesn't I heard her a few nights ago" says Zack. Everyone looks at him.
"What do you mean" asks Gage.
"A couple nights ago, I hear her talking to someone, about that helicopter crash, the money, she said that, we were a pain in her ass, all she needed was information" says Zack.

Gage looks at Paula in shock.
"I told you" says Laurie as she walks to their house.
"I'm sorry, I have to go" says Mia as she walks away. Antonio looks at Saran, then Britney.
"What is so important about that, crash" asks Antonio.
"I don't know, but, just forget it, we need to sort this out make this work" says Britney as she heads back to the armory.

Saran went to the medical building to inform Robby.
"Saran, you okay, oh my God" says Robby as he goes to her, looking past the blood for a wound.
"It's not mine, it's, Hayden's" says Saran.
"What, oh, God, what happened" asks Robby as he hugs her.

"We got attacked, the dead, got him" says Saran.
"Jesus, that's, terrible" says Robby.
"That's not all, Zack, said he heard Gretchen talking the other nights she, hates us, only wants to know more about that, helicopter" says Saran.
"She, hates us, why" asks Robby as he sits down.
*I don't know but, we need to figure out why, and fix it, we need this place Robby, we need, Wilmington" says Saran.

At the same time, Laurie sat down in the bathroom doing a stick & poke over JL on her wrist. Britney walks in, and leans against the door.
"What are you doing" she asks.
"Making the last piece I have of Josh, permanent. I've been going over it with sharpies but, I need it to stay" says Laurie.
"Why are you doing this now" asks Britney.
"Why not, Josh wrote this on when...Before. Then Hayden got ripped apart, in front of me, I just" says Laurie as she looks down.

Britney goes to her, and holds her.
"I'm sorry Laurie, for everything, for, Josh" says Britney.
"Don't, I'm, I blamed you back then, but, it wasn't your fault" says Laurie. Britney looks down.
"You're right, we need to, make this work, I'll try" says Laurie.

Britney smiles, nods, and exists the bathroom. She walks into the living room meeting Saran and Robby.
"Hey, we, thought it would be good to get everyone together tonight, talk about what happened, and our situation with Gretchen" says Saran. Britney nods.
"Yeah, okay" she says as she goes to the kitchen.
"Is Laurie alright" asks Saran.

"Yeah, she, she is, she was having a moment, back to when, Josh died, but, she's okay" says Britney.
"Good, Hayden he, got bit, and told us to hurry up. We got out through a window, and then" says Saran.
"Don't, I, don't wanna hear about it" says Britney. There was a moment of silence. Saran then laid her shotgun on the counter.
"I put this, with the others a while ago, tryin to forget what I had to do, but, you gave it back, and it reminded me" says Saran.

"Saran I, I'm sorry" says Britney as she goes to her.
"No, thank you, we've only been here a month, but, don't wanna get too comfortable" says Saran recalling what Hayden said earlier. Laurie then entered the room.
"Hey, you good" asks Saran as she goes to her.
"I'm okay, you" asks Laurie.
"I'll be okay, we're all gonna meet here tonight, talk about what happened, sort it all out" says Saran. Laurie agreed and walked outside. Saran looked at Britney, knowing, everything will work it self out.

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