Episode 2 "The Line"

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The sun was setting, Saran and Robby made it to an abandoned hotel, on the outskirts of town. They killed the few eaters wondering around it, including the one in the crashed car near the hotel. Robby opens the door, letting 6 eaters out. Saran stabs 2 of them, and Robby takes care of the rest. They head inside, and up to room 23, killing a single eater inside. Robby wedges a chair against the door, and they sit down.

There was nothing but silence for a few minutes.
"When we get, to Wilmington, everyone else will be there, right" asks Saran.
"Yes, they have to be there, your brother, Jake, Laurie, everyone" says Robby.
"You sure Jake made it, his eye, it's terrible" says Saran.
"He made it, I know he did" says Robby as he lays down on the couch.

Saran looked at him, and smiled.
"Thank you, for being here for me" says Saran.
"I'll always be here for you, we will always have each other" says Robby.
"You know, back at the hospital, I wasn't kidding when I said you had time now" says Saran as she gets up and goes towards the bedroom. Robby slowly sat up, watching her walk down the hallway.

Saran stopped and looks back.
"This is where you follow me to the bedroom" says Saran. Robby smiled and followed her to the bedroom.
"Close the door" says Saran as she goes to the end of the bed.
"Are you sure, Saran, after everything" says Robby.

"After everything, this is just what I need, I don't just do things like this, but, I have a connection with you" says Saran. Robby was so confused.
"You do" he asks.
"You don't" asks Saran.
"No, no, I do, I have, it's just" says Robby before Saran interrupts him.
"Shh, be quite, and, make love to me" says Saran as they fall onto the bed.

The next day.... Saran and Robby were on foot to Wilmington. They traveled through the woods, past a smaller town, and were now on a highway.
"Last night, was, amazing" says Robby.
"I know" chuckles Saran.
"You surprised me, I never thought you to be so, dominant" says Robby.

"I'm not, last night, I just needed a relief" says Saran.
"A relief, was that all that was to you" asks Robby.
"No, Robby, please, dont" says Saran before a man shouted "HOLD IT". Robby and Saran stopped in their place, hands slowly going up.
"You step over that line, I'll drop you fast" shouts the man.

"Okay, we'll turn around, were sorry" shouts Robby as he looks at a chalk drawn line across the road.
"No, no, no, I don't think so, I'm going to need you to lay down all your weapons" says the man.
"No way" says Robby. The man then came marching up to them with a sawn off shotgun decorated with a pink dragon.
"I suggest, you give me your weapons, or I'll take this girl of yours" says the man. Robby proceeds to lay his weapons down, but Saran didn't move.

"You too honey" says the man as he licks his lips. Saran smiled and pulled out her know stabbing the man in the chest. She looked him in the eyes in shock, as he slowly dropped to the ground. Saran started to cry at the realization that she just killed a man. Robby hugged her as he looked at the dead man's body.

Hours later, they walked down the road in silence. Saran carrying the sawn off shotgun the man had.
"Are you okay" asks Robby.
"I'm, fine" says Saran.
"I'm sorry you had to do that" says Robby.
"He would've killed us, killed you" says Saran.

Robby didn't respond.
"Look, I'm sorry for what I said, about last night, I really like you Robby, I do" says Saran.
"I really like you too Saran" says Robby.
"I normally don't ever do, what I did, but I did, it's not like me though" says Saran.
"Don't worry about it, I understand" says Robby.

A little bit down the road, they come across a recently crashed car. Robby opened the door, and stabbed the eater in the head. He got in and started the car up.
"Finally, transportation" says Saran as she gets in the passenger seat.
"Looks like a few thing are going right us" says Robby before an eater grabs Saran from the backseat.

"AAAGH, HELP" shouts Saran as she tries to get free. Robby turned around and tried to pull the eater off, but he couldn't. He then then grabbed his gun, and shot it in the head.
"Jesus" says Robby as he puts his gun away.
"Are you okay" he asks.
"Fine, thank you" says Saran as she accidentally placed her hand on Robby's.

Robby slowly clutched her hand in his as they made eye contact.
"It's, no, problem" says Robby. They then share a kiss. Saran smiled as looked down.
"Let's get to Wilmington" says Saran.
"Yeah, yeah" says Robby as he backs up and drives down the road.

They soon stop and Saran steps out and drags the dead eater out of the car, and gets back in. They drive off, turning right on 56, and down Sullivan avenue. They come across a line of dead bodies laying in the middle of the road.
"Just go around, something's not right" says Saran as Robby goes around them. Saran sees people come out running in the rear view mirror.

"Shit, go" says Saran as Robby steps on the gas. The people run after them to the end of the street, then stop.
"What did they want" asks Robby.
"Probably the car, our food, weapons" says Saran. Robby just shook his head as he turned left.

A little bit down the road, they pass a recent plane crash.
"Damn" says Robby as he slows down. Parts if it were still on fire, even a nearby building. Some people were still strapped to their seats, dead and turned.
"Just go, please" says Saran as Robby drives on.

Hours passed, Robby and Saran stopped at a small store a little ways from town. They cleared it out and made a small fire inside to cook a can of beans they had. Saran sat in silence as she watched the beans cook.
"You okay" asks Robby.
"Fine, just thinking" says Saran.
"About what" asks Robby.

"If Antonio made it, he's all the family I have left" says Saran.
"No mom, dad, no one" asks Robby.
"No, they, were all killed, by the drug cartel, La Familia" says Saran.
"Oh, God I'm sorry" says Robby.
"No, it's fine, it happened a long time ago when Antonio and I were kids I barley remember" says Saran.
"But with Antonio being older, he took care of me, got me here, and, we lived our life, like it was all bright and beautiful" says Saran.
"It wasn't" asks Robby.
"It was, but the world is like this now, and where I lived, was no different" says Saran.

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