Chapter 3

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Through out the castle everyone was still fast asleep in their room except Keith who was always one of the first ones up besides Shiro who was always the first one awake. So when Keith didn't find him wandering the halls, he started to get a little suspicious as to why so he decided to check Shiro's room when Lance walked out of his room, yawning with his facial mask still on.

"Morning Mullet, why are you creepily stalking Shiro's room" Lance asked.

Keith rolled his eyes "I'm not stalking Shiro's room, I'm just wondering why he's not awake yet, its not like him."

"That sounds pretty stalkerish to me also nothings been right with Shiro, I mean just look at what happened last night" Lance comments.

"Yeah and whose fault was that" Keith accused, crossing his arms.

"Hey, that was so not my fault last night" Lance shouted back, crossing his arms in turn when Hunk walked out his room.

"Guys, isn't it a little early to be fighting already" Hunk stepped in, trying to stop his feuding friends while Allura came strolling down the hall.

Once she spotted the two feuding Paladins, she rolled eyes but quickly stepped in trying to take control of the situation "Alright, what are you two fighting about now?"

"Nothing, just Keith is blaming me again and stalking Shiro as usually" Lance explained.

"I was not stalking Shiro!" Keith shouted, glaring daggers at Lance.

Allura then stepped in between them "Both of you, calm down, your acting like children" she scolded so Lance and Keith, turned away from each other, sulking.

Allura sighed when Hunk asked " Ah guys, has anyone seen Pidge."

Keith and Lance shook their heads while Allura suggested "Why don't we check her room."

Hunk then knocked on Pidge's door but when he didn't get an answer, he opened the door to find Pidge not in the room "Guys, she's not in her room."

"Perhaps Shiro knows where she is" Allura proposed then went to knock on his door, however when Shiro didn't answer either, she quietly opened the door, shocked at the site she found of Shiro and Pidge snuggled up together on his bed.

Allura almost squealed at the site of the two Paladins curled up together but kept it in not wanting to wake them, sadly the other Paladins didn't seem to share her sentiment since Lance shouted "Oh my quiznak, Pidge and Shiro are..."

Hunk then slapped his hand over Lance's mouth, shushing him while Keith and Allura did the same.

Allura then silently closed the door, smiling "Well, it appears that we've found Pidge and Shiro."

"So are Shiro and Pidge a thing now" Hunk asked curiously.

"Maybe" Keith shrugged.

"Aww, you jealous Keith" Lance taunted smirking.

"Shut up Lance!"

"Both of you be quiet, we don't want to wake them" Allura reprimanded then suggested "Now why don't we have some breakfast."

The Princess and Paladins then headed for the kitchen while Shiro started to stir, he tiredly opened his eyes, seeing Pidge snuggled into his side, he smiled when nausea start swirling in his gut, he hoped it would just pass, not wanting to disturb her while Pidge snuggled into what she thought was a warm wall, till she noticed it was moving so she sleepily opened her eyes, seeing that the wall was no wall but actually Shiro.

"Good morning" Pidge yawned, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes then gave Shiro a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning to you, so it wasn't a dream last night" Shiro asked smiling.

Pidge shook her head, smiling "Nope."

Shiro's smile grew even bigger but quickly fell as nausea started twisting in his gut again, he then raced into the bathroom to empty his stomach again with Pidge close behind, rubbing his back soothingly.

Once Shiro finished hurling, he brushed his teeth again then followed Pidge as she led them back to the bed, where they laid back down.

"Um...May I?" Pidge asked reaching out to touch Shiro's stomach.

Shiro nodded "Sure, go ahead."

Pidge then tenderly placed her hand on his middle, rubbing soothing circles "My mom uses to do this when I had a stomach ache" she explained.

Shiro let out a sigh, happy that the rubbing was helping to stop his stomach from doing flips "Its helping Pidge, thank you."

"Glad to be of service" Pidge grinned, leaning up to kiss the tip of Shiro's nose then snuggled back into his side, continuing to massage the small swell of his middle.

The two Paladins lay in comfortable silence till Pidge's stomach grumble, she blushed quickly hiding her face in Shiro's chest while he laughed "Sounds like someone's hungry, I guess we should head down for some breakfast, huh."

"You going to be okay?"

Shiro nodded "Yeah I'll be fine, I'm actually kind of peckish."

Pidge and Shiro then walked to the dinning hall where the rest of the team was already eating, they walked and were about to take their seats when Lance said "Well looks like the lovebirds finally decided to join us."

Pidge and Shiro both blushed while Allura smiled warmly at them, saying "Don't mind Lance, we are all very happy that you've decided to start a relationship and might I add that I think you two are adorable together."

"Thank you, Allura" Shiro chuckled, wrapping his arm around Pidge, smiling down at her warmly while Pidge's cheeks got even rosier.

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