VIII. Spies

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Sophia could feel her rage surging inside her, rising to her head. Her ears began to ring as she watched Nicholas' dark form move forward.

"Stop!" Her voice shook with intense fury yet she could not find herself to move and thrash at him as what she wanted to. She wanted to shout, to grab something and throw it at him.

He had broken her first rule.


She did not let him finish. She stood up and walked to her bedside table to reach for the lamp. It was hot.

The ringing in her ears worsened that she nearly closed her eyes. Aabha had walked to stand between her and Nicholas. Brigid was standing beside her, hissing.

"How long have you known?" she demanded, her voice almost a whisper. She was afraid that if she were to speak louder, it would merely cause the guards to come to her chamber.

"For quite some time," Nicholas replied. She saw his form move to face her. "I was not aware that you can see. I thought—"

"I can see well enough to know that you have neglected my rule!"

At that moment she hated the fact that she could merely see shadows on his face. She wanted to see how he looked. Was he wearing a look of pity? Of contempt? Had he a mocking look on his face?


"My number one rule is that you cannot see me!" she hissed.

"Why?" he asked, his voice almost angry. "Because you are a woman of color?"

Sophia's breathing became heavier as she struggled for control. She rarely felt anger. She knew fear, she knew anxiety. But anger was something she was not used to for she had long learned that it took her nowhere.

"You fear to be seen and scorned? Is that what your rule is all about?" Nicholas continued, taking one step toward her. She stepped back until she was pressed against the table. "Let me tell you one thing, Sophia," he said, voice careful yet stern, "I am Nicholas Everard. I am not like most of them."

"You merely think that to be true," she snapped. "The fact that you ignored my rule merely proves that you are just like everyone else."

"I know you are of color and that you are bloody blind! Almost blind, that is. Did that stop me from coming back?" he asked, ignoring her words.

"You keep coming for the very same reason why you wooed your way into my chamber!" she gritted through her teeth.

"That is partly true, but you must realize, woman, that I find you too bloody attractive to—"

Sophia did not realize that she had grabbed the empty drinking glass beside the lamp and flung it across the room. It crashed against the wall, barely missing Nicholas.

"Bloody hell, woman!" he cried out.

"Dare not mock me again, my lord," she warned.

He stepped closer and said, "Please, not the bloody lamp!" when she started to reach for it. Within a second he was able to reach her, grabbing her hands in his.

Aabha started to growl but he did not seem to mind. Brigid had jumped to the side, still hissing.

"Let me go or I shall have my pets make a meal out of you!"

"No, not until you listen to me," he insisted sternly, his breathing brushing against her face. "Listen to me," he repeated over the sounds of her distressed pets when she struggled to be free, turning her face away from his.

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